
The trailer of Polyfaces in a 9 minute video at the link above.


This video reminds me of Paul Gautschi and his famous “Back To Eden” Garden.
He shares many tips and insights in his Garden - FULL TOUR.
Its worth the watch.
He follows The Lords advice and wisdom on his farm, and shares this with the world.

the “Back To Eden” Garden - FULL TOUR

Back To Eden Gardening Documentary Film How to Grow a Vegetable Garden



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Looks like the Salatins and Paul Gautschi found some solutions :slight_smile:

God warned of this going away from His Divine Laws, Economics and the land and the ensuing envy, competition, strife, chaos and wars it would create and gave the solution to these ills when He said: "Beat your swords into plough-shares and your spears into pruning-hooks and learn war (competition) no more." (Isaiah 2:4 & Micah 4:3-5). In other words return to the Divine Laws, Economics and the land of (with) plenty. - JAH. (GREEN, SUSTAINABLE ECONOMICS: A PHASE OF DIVINE LAW)

When this war is through, we're going back to the land. It might be a good idea to get some skills. :man_farmer: :woman_farmer:

And both these cases demonstrate "All Things Are Possible With God".

Just think of that mustard seed.

Matthew 13:31 Another parable put he forth unto them, saying, The Kingdom of heaven is like to a grain of mustard seed, which a man took, and sowed in his field:
13:32 Which indeed is the least of all seeds: but when it is grown, it is the greatest among herbs, and becometh a tree, so that the birds of the air come and lodge in the branches thereof.

This Paw-Paw tree is another example of "All things are possible with God." -


"Todmorden in Yorkshire's Calder Valley has been transformed by free food growing on its streets, parks and even its rooftops. Julian Dobson tells the inspiring story of Incredible Edible and how the transformational project is going global ...."

Todmorden's website

Incredible Edible Todmorden

"All with no paid staff, no buildings, no public funding: radical community building in action. Membership: If you eat you’re in."


Back to Eden Gardening Summit Presents Mark & Diane McOmber Interview

Back to Eden Gardening Summit Presents Mark Diane McOmber Interview

"Back to Eden Demonstration Garden: 10 Year Results" How growing a Back to Eden garden changed the McOmber's lives. How having a garden impacts food security during times of crisis. Recommendations to beginners starting Back to Eden gardens. Answers to the most frequently asked questions about Back to Eden gardening. How to prepare the soil in a no-till Back to Eden Garden. How often do you reapply wood chips. Seed planting tips and mistakes beginners can avoid. How to transplanting in a Back to Eden garden. How long it takes the compact dirt to transform into healthy soil. How much increase in food productivity to expect over time. Benefits experienced in an established Back to Eden garden. How to grow food without irrigation. How wood chips reduce labor and make weeding easy. When to fertilize and why you don't usually need to. Which layering methods provide the best results and highest yields. How to transform your grass lawn into an edible garden landscape. How to grow tons of food without a backyard or your own land. How Mark and Diane experience a spiritual relationship to growing food. What is the new non-profit organization, "The Covering Initiative." Why it is so important that kids of the next generation are taught how to garden.

We also hosted a LIVE Q&A with Paul Gautschi where countless questions from around the world were answered over the course of a fun and educational 1-hour Livestream video! Check it out today!

LIVE: Paul Gautschi Q&A Back to Eden Gardening Summit

Paul Gautschi QA Back to Eden Gardening Summit

In the Back to Eden Gardening Summit, we spoke with Bryan Kappa, the founder of ChipDrop. In the interview he shares insider tips on how to get a free delivery of wood chips brought directly to your garden address quick, easy, and free! Sign up to ChipDrop for free!



Three stories up in the air, the power of an idea and fresh food is growing! The Eagle Street Rooftop Farm is an internationally acclaimed greenroof and commercially operated vegetable farm atop a three story warehouse in Brooklyn, New York.

On the shoreline of the East River and with a sweeping view of the Manhattan skyline, Eagle Street Rooftop Farm is a 6,000 square foot green roof organic vegetable farm located atop a warehouse rooftop owned by Broadway Stages in Greenpoint, Brooklyn.

Visit our Facebook page for a listing of our upcoming classes, events and open hours for volunteers. Our upcoming markets are also announced on Facebook. And you can check out

In the meantime, it’s easy to learn more:

  1. Start by reading our new book, The Rooftop Growing Guide: How to Transform Your Roof into a Garden or Farm.

  2. You can download our Factsheet.

  3. Read about New York City guide to greenroof/whiteroofs

  4. For you visual learners, you can download our illustrated map and accompanying text. Or watch [this neat clip ](<embed allowfullscreen="true" height="334" width="560" src=)on how a green roof works.

Also on DGTV:

BCTV - Rooftop Farm

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Very simple and easy?


Wood Chip Mulch Gardening Myths and Facts! Dr. Linda Chalker Scott

Dana Richardson, producer, and director of Back to Eden Film and cofounder of Dana & Sarah Films sits down with one of the leading experts on the scientific research behind gardening and landscaping with arborist wood chips, Dr. Linda Chalker Scott. Find out the truth about the biggest myths about wood chips! See the questions list below you will learn the answers to!

"Arborist Wood Chips: The Best Mulch for Gardens and Landscapes"
What are arborist wood chips?
What kind of woody mulches are negative to use for soil and plant health?
Nitrogen and carbon ratio in fresh versus composted wood chips
The mind-blowing benefits of arborist wood chip mulch.
How to prevent weeds, water-saving, local resources, slow-release of nutrients.
Why do we need to shift our mindset on the aesthetic appeal of landscaping mulch?
The free availability, economic benefits, and true value of arborist wood chips.
The impacts of sheet mulching with paper and cardboard on soil health
Best ways to smother weeds without suffocating the soil.
How thick to apply wood chip mulch for restoration sites, perennials, and weed problems.
When to apply wood chip mulch and when to add more.
The pros and cons of coarse versus fine arborist wood chips.
How to solve nutrient deficiencies in the soil.
Debunking common wood chip myths.
Does applying wood chips as a mulch tie up nitrogen?
Should gardeners practice tilling or amending the soil with wood chips by mixing them in?
Do woody mulches acidify soils?
Do some woody mulches leach allelopathic chemicals that can kill other plants?
Do woody mulches attract termites, carpenter ants, and other pests?
Do arborist wood chips pose a risk of transferring disease?
Does the contamination of Herbicides or Pesticides pose a concern?
What destroys beneficial mycorrhizae?
Are arborist wood chips a beneficial mulch for vegetable gardens or only perennials?

Wood Chip Mulch Gardening Myths and Facts! Dr. Linda Chalker Scott


Here in Africa we have been doing this for generations especially rural areas, Uganda is an agricultural country and majority depend on farming for both food and money. However sprays, artificial fertilzers,GMOs, etc have flood the country. Not only this, the greedy government is not happy with people being dependant with their God given land which people have been inheriting, it has tightened land policies and indirectly grabbing locals land in one way or another not only this, especially rice framers have have attacked a lot because it's both a food and cash crop for locals in the name of preserving wetlands, we grew up knowing rice, yams are grown in wetlands...


The Woodchip Handbook: A Complete Guide for Farmers, Gardeners and Landscapers


Author(s): Ben Raskin

Publisher: Chelsea Green Publishing, Year: 2021


The first and only complete guide to sourcing and using woodchip―an abundant, inexpensive, and ecologically sustainable material―for savvy growers and landscapers at any scale, from farm to garden to greenhouse.

The Woodchip Handbook is the essential guide to the many uses of woodchip both in regenerative agriculture and horticulture. Author Ben Raskin, Head of Horticulture and Agroforestry at the Soil Association, draws on his extensive practical experience using woodchip, provides the latest research from around the world, and presents inspiring case studies from innovative farmers.

The book explores and unlocks the tremendous potential of woodchip to enhance soil health and plant growth:

  • As a natural mulch for weed suppression, temperature buffering, and water conservation
  • As a growing medium for propagating plants
  • As a decomposing source of warmth for hotbeds in the greenhouse or hoop house
  • As a carbon-rich compost ingredient that supports beneficial fungi and microorganisms
  • As a powerful soil health booster, when applied as small-sized ramial chipped wood
  • As an ideal substrate for growing many kinds of edible or medicinal mushrooms
  • As a sustainable, versatile, and durable material for foot paths and ornamental landscaping

Some of these techniques, like mulching―or the renewable harvest potential from coppicing and pollarding trees**―**have been around forever. Yet there is always new science to be discovered, such as the role that salicylic acid from willow woodchip can play in preventing tree diseases or promoting livestock health when used as a bedding material.

Whether you are a commercial grower or farmer, a permaculture practitioner, or a serious home gardener producing your own fruit and vegetables, The Woodchip Handbook will show you how to get the most out of this readily available and renewable material.


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To Which We Belong is a documentary that highlights farmers and ranchers leaving behind conventional practices that are no longer profitable or sustainable.

These unsung heroes are improving the health of our soil and sea to save their livelihoods — and our planet.

If we draw enough carbon down from the sky and back into the soil through regenerative agricultural practices , we can reverse climate change and bring atmospheric carbon levels down to pre-industrial-revolution levels.

The result of regenerative agriculture & ocean farming is more abundance of healthier food all without the need for antibiotics or synthetic fertilizers.

Healthy land, water, and animals = healthy humans.

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Think Local would be great for The Campo:

Sara Haboubi Explains What Think Local is:

Think Local seeks to connect consumers with suppliers locally instead of...

UPDATE: The festival event for July 20th was cancelled at short notice, due to interference from a small coordinated group of extremists. Most refunds have now been processed.

Here's their response.

Think Local Festival

THINK LOCAL is an apolitical grassroots movement dedicated to building resilient self sustaining communities through fresh thinking in areas such as food, energy and finance. We are not funded by or affilated with any organisation.

We aim to address the challenges of CLIMATE CHANGE, RESOURCE DEPLETION and ECONOMIC INSTABILITY by promoting local self-reliance and resilience. Participating COMMUNITIES are encouraged to develop their own solutions to these challenges by building STRONG LOCAL ECONOMIES, PROMOTING SUSTAINABLE FOOD PRODUCTION AND DISTRIBUTION, and EXPLORING INNOVATIVE RENEWABLE ENERGY PROJECTS. Our outlook is driven by a sense of ABUNDANCE as opposed to SCARCITY.

Community Exchanges


We live in a world where the stability of banks and even the worlds currencies are in deep trouble. Both of those plus rampant inflation are linked to the globalist inspired government plan to digitalise our units of exchange. That would give the government a total overview and control over what is in your bank account, your wallet or purse which is a terrifying prospect. If for any reason they choose, they could shut you down leaving you totally destitute. That of course is inevitable unless preventative measures are taken to preserve ones right and ability to trade and exchange goods and services without the government knowing and interfering with your every transaction. The following is one community’s commendable moves to preserve their freedom to trade without government interference.

Likeminded local people in the (Northern coast of Ireland) Coleraine area and beyond, have formed the ‘North Coast Community Exchange,’ a group that has come together to facilitate trade & exchange by providing a range of non-monetary exchange tools, in other words no money is involved!

A vast array of goods & services can be exchanged based on mutual credit: a means of trading and exchanging that doesn’t require;

conventional money,
doesn’t incur interest
and doesn’t involve banks.

Their website -

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Scaremongering climate “experts” spread absurd myth that HOME GARDENING is hazardous for the planet



I’m curious, and I’m not saying this to troll or anything, but did you realize that this is probably an AI-generated image?

There are a few tell-tale signs.

My square foot gardening/hugelkuktur/mulching tests (optimal resource usage experimentation) are going quite ok here



I love greens.

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