Dr. Clive Dix, former head of the United Kingdom’s Vaccine Task Force, recently admitted that the vaccines failed to stop infection and transmission of the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19). He told Sky News that the vaccines must only be given to the most vulnerable members of society like those with comorbidities.
Dix said the government must focus on a targeted approach in the deployment of vaccines. Corporate media and Big Pharma brand persons with this kind of thinking as anti-vaxxers.
However, Dix is not just an ordinary observer. It took a while, but he finally realized the uselessness of the vaccines when used in mass vaccination. He was appointed chairman of the government’s U.K. Vaccine Task Force in June last year.
Dix is also against lockdowns being imposed by some European authorities. “People should just go to work, go about their business. If they get ill, go home and stay home.” Dix said. Other doctors also shared Dix’s observation that the science behind the COVID-19 vaccine efficacy is limited at best.
Science behind COVID-19 vaccines not strong enough
One of the doctors questioning the science behind the COVID-19 vaccines is Dr. Steve James, who works for the National Health Service (NHS). Currently unvaccinated and a consultant at the King’s College Hospital in London, James told Health Secretary Sajid Javid on camera that the science behind mandatory COVID-19 vaccines “isn’t strong enough.”
He told Javid that he became infected with COVID-19 and now has the antibodies for the virus. “I had COVID at some point. I’ve got antibodies, and I’ve been working on COVID ICU since the beginning of the pandemic. I’ve not had a vaccination, I do not want a vaccination.”
James added that the vaccines are reducing transmission only for about eight weeks with delta and probably less with omicron. James asked Javid if his stance may lead to dismissal as the latter reportedly threatened to fire more than 100,000 NHS staff who refused to get vaccinated.
Startled, the Javid chose to give a safe answer. “I respect that, but there are also many different views,” he said.
James said the rules must be changed to allow individuals with naturally-derived antibodies not to be required to be vaccinated. “The protection I got from transmission is probably the equivalent to someone who is vaccinated.”
In 2020, the NHS issued warnings to staff that the Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine was a risk for those with a history of allergic reactions.
Dix’s comments came at a time when the NHS and major domestic healthcare bodies in the United States are determined to dismiss unvaccinated healthcare workers. This, of course, has resulted to a shortage in manpower that is crippling the medical systems to the detriment of patients.
“Stop measuring case numbers and getting fixated by stopping those numbers. We now need to manage disease, not virus spread,” Dix stressed. His emphasis is quite clear and that is to stop the progression of COVID-19 to a severe disease in vulnerable groups. Hospitals, therefore, need to undertake early interventions and care in out patient settings.
According to Dix, the problem with the government’s approach is that it is trying to stop the spread of the virus when it should be managing the disease.
Watch the video below to know the truth about the NHS.