Foreign Subsidiaries Account For 10% Of Employment In Spain


Nathalie Gianese, Director of Research at Informa D&B, points out that “the number of foreign subsidiaries in Spain has grown since before the pandemic. At the end of 2019 there were 18,698, 1.2% of the total, while in October 2021 there were 19,675, representing 1.4%”.

The countries with the highest number of subsidiaries in Spain are European: Germany, 13 %, the Netherlands, 12 %, and the United Kingdom, with almost 12 %. However, French subsidiaries have the highest turnover, 19%, followed by Luxembourg with 15% and the Netherlands with almost 13%.

Madrid and Catalonia are the preferred autonomous regions for companies with foreign shareholders to locate in, with 40% and 28% each. The next is Andalusia with 9 %.

Trade and construction and real estate activities account for the largest number of foreign subsidiaries.

Trade has a greater weight amongst companies with foreign shareholders than among Spanish companies, as do Industry, Mining, Energy, Communications, Financial and Business services.

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