Five Times More Children Committed Suicide Than Died Of COVID-19 During Lockdown: UK Study

Mental Health During Lockdowns

by Jack Phillips via The Epoch Times

Five times more children and young people committed suicide than died of COVID-19 during the first year of the pandemic in the United Kingdom, according to a study, which also concluded that lockdowns are more detrimental to children’s health than the virus itself.

Researchers with the University College London, the University of York, the University of Liverpool, and the University of Bristol found in a study PDF that has not yet been peer-reviewed that the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) virus, otherwise known as the coronavirus, doesn’t appear to present a significant risk to children as compared with other age groups.

It was revealed in the study that only 25 children under the age of 18 died of COVID-19 from the start of the pandemic until the end of February 2021. Around 61 children in all died after testing positive, but in 36 cases it was found the virus “did not contribute to their death.”

But during the same time period, there were 124 suicides among children and 268 deaths from trauma, the study authors found, while noting the virus is “rarely fatal” for children.

Read more at link.

Just 25 ‘Under 18s’ Died From COVID In England, 100s Died From Suicide And Trauma

Govt seeks answers to Gib's high suicide rate – Gibraltarians, why did they lockdown in the first place?

MP Samantha Sacramento questioned the high number of male suicides in Gib.

It's time for government to end its fear-mongering.

Wonder what GibSams thinks about this study? The purpose of GibSams’ helpline and chat service is to support anyone experiencing any general emotional distress to reduce the number of suicides in Gibraltar. GibSams also seeks to alleviate unhappiness, loneliness, despair and depression by listening to anyone who feels they have nowhere else to turn.

The mental toll of quarantine and lockdown

‘We have known five young people to have taken their lives’

in perspective ugood gibraltar

Suicide is something that hasn't been tackled in Gibraltar for many years. I spoke to Joel Orme who is the Founder of pressure group ‘UGOOD GIB’. They strive to be at the forefront of the fight against suicide in Gibraltar by encouraging education of mental health issues and resources, providing practical advice to sufferers, uniting efforts to change behaviour in the community, and helping and holding organisations accountable to eradicate suicide from their environment and from the wider population.

Their vision is to be at the forefront of the fight against suicide in Gibraltar by encouraging education of mental health issues and resources, providing practical advice to sufferers, uniting efforts to change behaviour in the community, and helping and holding organisations accountable to eradicate suicide from their environment and from the wider population.
Their 3 aims are to educate, engage and to hold accountability. In terms of educating they want to teach people, organisations, and communities about mental health and suicide within Gibraltar, showing how everyone can pitch in to help, and showcasing resources available to all. With regards to engaging they will work with organisational and community leaders to engage in discussions around how best they and their teams can help eradicate suicide and promote positive discussions within Gibraltar. Lastly accountability where they will be holding organisations accountable when changing for the better, and helping them reach their final goal. Ensuring all organisations are responsible for how they deal with mental health.


Children’s NHS mental health referrals double in pandemic

Do our leaders realise the full impact of lockdowns and other measures to contain this supposed ‘pandemic’? Or is this actually one of their aims? Do they want to inflict psychological harm on a whole generation while they are still at their most vulnerable?

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UK Government Ignored The Lockdown Child Suicides.

By Patricia Harrity on August 2, 2023

The Government had been warned that more children would die from suicide than from what they classified as “Covid-19,” yet they ordered more damaging school closures, a report by parent campaigners has found. Despite the dreadful harms inflicted on the population and particularly the children due to these lockdowns, we are now being drip-fed the narrative that “climate lockdowns” are on the way. Are we going to protect our children this time?

The Suicides

A joint briefing paper by the Department for Education (DfE) and the Independent Scientific Pandemic Influenza Group on Behaviours warned in November 2020 that “many more children will die from suicide than Covid-19 this year” as it cited evidence of a rise in self-harm among young people during the earlier lockdown (source)

The briefing paper revealed that Covid-19 related factors including school issues were reported to have contributed to deaths in 12 of the 25 cases of suicide by under-18s identified during the earlier lockdown in England.

The information was shared at a Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (SAGE) meeting in November 2020, which was attended by the senior scientific advisers responsible for briefing ministers, the Cabinet Office, the Home Office, and other departments.

Yet, despite learning of these findings and the government’s own admission, that what they touted as a “novel virus” posed no risk to children or young people, they still went ahead and closed schools for most pupils for the majority of the spring term in 2021. Tragically yet another 161 children aged 10-19 died due to suicide (source).

Save The Children

Save the Children had highlighted the risks that lockdowns posed to children in May 2020 and said that “children and youth who are already at risk—such as those living in challenging home environments or children who are lacking social support or whose families are already facing poverty —especially vulnerable.”

They advised that research shows that feelings of helplessness, loneliness, and fear of being socially excluded, stigmatised or separated from loved ones are common in any epidemic, while prolonged stress, boredom, and social isolation, as well as a lack of outdoor play, can lead to a higher number of mental health conditions in children, such as anxiety and even depression.

This was explained by Anne-Sophie Dybdal, Senior Child Protection Advisor at the Mental Health and Psychosocial Support Unit of Save the Children, explained back in May 2020 “People who are outside regularly have a lower activity in the part of the brain that focuses on repetitive negative emotions. This is one of the reasons children can slide into negative feelings or even depression during the circumstances they are living in now.” (source).

The Warnings

This warning was just one of nine opportunities to avert the damage caused by school closures that the government ignored, according to the first in a series of planned reports on pandemic decision-making by the parents’ campaign group UsforThem. The group noted that previous plandemic plans had been predicated on the basis that mass school closures were to be avoided.

.The group has a mission that begins “We believe that children must be placed front and centre in all decisions impacting them” which of course they were not, despite the warnings and pleas from UsForThem to remain open during the pandemic.

They claim that SAGE also had papers in February to March 2020, that documented that the impact the school closures would have on “stemming transmission” was likely to be “highly limited”. Even so, prior to the first school closures in March 2020, a SAGE paper stated that if schools closed, they would need to be closed for a lengthy period of time to have any impact!

Overlooked Children

Thus, by completely ignoring the warnings and the impact that the government decisions would undoubtedly have on the children, Their assessment was never communicated to the public according to USForThem (source).

The impact Will be Felt for Decades

Sadly, the suffering will continue, according to a group led by the University College London (UCL), which adds that the impact of closing schools and keeping children inside their homes for days on end will be felt for decades and in myriad ways, many of which will not be apparent for years to come.

In a report, the UCL says that the development and well-being of children were “deprioritised” and states that politicians did not consider children and young people a “priority group”. Childhood access to food, education, the internet, and playtime was curbed, and schemes to fix the flaws “took too long to be equally implemented”. (source)

**“**The consequences of these decisions are seen in a generation of children, many of whom are struggling with their education and social skills, sometimes with levels of chronic anxiety so severe that they are unable to attend school or socialise with friends.” Anne Longfield, chair of the Commission on Young Lives and former children’s commissioner for England.

Lost but not Forgotten – The Ghost Children

This was what was found in a report by thinktank Centre for Social Justice (CSJ) in their new study “Lost But Not Forgotten: the reality of severe absence in schools post-lockdown” published in January 2022, which states that “Covid-19 has wreaked havoc in our schools.”

CSJ reports that 100,000 kids have almost entirely disappeared from education since schools returned last year. “The existence of these so-called “ghost children” is nothing short of a national disaster.

“These children are at risk of abuse after failing to come back to school” they say and “If we’re not careful, we are creating an Oliver Twist generation of children exposed to significant safeguarding hazards including tough domestic situations at home, online harms and joining county line gangs” (source).

Too Little, Much Too Late

A DfE spokesman has tried to put a sticking plaster over the tragic gov-made situation by investing £5billion in “ambitious education recovery initiatives” for those most affected by the pandemic, […] “to help young people catch up.” This is “on top of their annual £2.3 billion investment into mental health services, they say (source).

This is much too late to be of any use to many of our children.

What we need is assurances from the DfE that they will protect our children when it happens again, as is the globalists’ plan. Or will they allow the deliberate actions of our government who by ignoring the consequences to our most vulnerable, were only worried about appeasing their globalist leaders?

Climate Lockdowns

We are now being increasingly drip-fed the narrative of “climate lockdowns” which began during the plandemic, according to Professor Norman Fenton, says, there was “no doubt that “the whole lockdown narrative, the whole restrictions on travel etc fits in very well with the climate change narrative.” Source

The professor argues that “even though very early on there were a lot of academics supportive of lockdowns and it was not because of the science to support them, […] “but simply because it fitted in very well with this idea of, we got to reduce carbon emissions.”

“They were very happy that in fact now it’s in the open many are openly saying that this is the necessary precursor for climate lockdowns and there you see this is why this narrative is being compounded,” he says.

COVID-19 – The Test of Social Responsibility

The WEF has a plan that as “countries move towards implementing their pledges for a net zero future”, they can now utilise the advances in technologies such as AI, blockchain and digitization to track our personal carbon emissions (WEF). Therefore, this time they will do better through utilising the improvements in “tracking and surveillance technology” which will help to overcome “political resistance” against such programs.

In a WEF article “My Carbon: An Approach for Inclusive and Sustainable Cities,” the unelected body seems to be almost lauding that “billions” of people complied with Covid “restrictions” and would do so again.

The organization believes that so many people complied with lockdown mandates, despite overwhelming evidence of the harmful consequences such restrictions had on society and imply that they would behave in a similarly obsequious manner again.

The government, DfE, the most senior scientists and educationalists were well aware of the risks to our children’s mental health but allowed the schools to be closed again and our children to suffer, isolated like prisoners.

We know that they have been severely let down by those in a position to protect them, we have the evidence and facts to prove the risks that lockdowns pose to them. It is therefore down to each and every one of us to make sure they never suffer at the hands of our imbecilic government and their cowardly lackeys ever again!

HALF of all UK children are PERMANENTLY DAMAGED by covid lockdowns, study finds

Children between the ages of four and seven were found to be more likely (52 percent) to be affected than 12- to 15-year-olds (42 percent) in terms of the damage caused by the stay-at-home orders that were enforced during the Fauci Flu.

Young people whose parents were either furloughed or forced to take a leave of absence during covid were also found to be "significantly more likely to experience a worsening in their socio-emotional skills than those whose parents had not been furloughed (51 percent versus 45 percent)."

In short, children whose families experienced any kind of hardship during the lockdowns – poor families, in essence – were significantly more likely than the rest of the general public to suffer serious developmental issues.

Continued at link.