Probably they have all the drones they need. They are called chinamen.
Because THEY can. Lacking reinstating and applying The Law of God, there is no deterrence. Whatever deterrence there was is steadily decreasing to the point that THEY (really he/satan) will have full reign (to the degree Father allows) over Earth. THEY prefer death over life. THEY have the people looking here, over there or not looking at all, whilst THEY increase in power. The enemy is satan and the group is The Hidden Hand ( a small group of satanists ). It (the enemy) has always been satan. I'm not in support of remote viewing, astral travelling and anything related to those type of things. With The Lord/Holy Spirit we have been granted a direct connection to God, so, no need for those other dangerous activities. Having said that, there is the OccupyThe Getty efforts that express well what needs to be uncovered and I'll repost it as below. I don't support a group per se because it could be gatekeepers. Also, my apologies if I sound like a broken record repeating over and over that the enemy was and is satan. It is WHY we are here and acknowledging it is necessary.
Start of quote: Gordon Getty. now in his eighties y/o, and his siblings have had access to full scale industrial Pedophile Processing Facilities their whole life by his father Jean Paul Getty (12.15.1892- 6.6.1976)
We know that one elite Pedophile consumes 5,000 children in their life time. These bunkers full of children are designed to keep million+ of sex slaves. THE #OccupyTheGetty Mission will continue until ever last child is rescued and every last demon is obliterated off the face of this earth. 1 Peters 5:8 "Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour:" Today, Satanists proudly display themselves as devils with horns, red shoes, blood dripping... Where are the missing children from Haiti, from Maui and most recently the 325,000 missing children from the border? Search Google-How many children go missing every year in the US? The answer is 800,000. Then look up your country and be advised that none of us can count the ones who are not reported or those without identities who are bred underground. There are cameras everywhere, the NSA spies on us through our phones, computers...SO WHERE ARE THE MISSING CHIDREN? The Satanic Temple (TST) was declared as a religion by the US Government and is headquarted in Salem, Massachusetts. Satanism stems from ANCIENT EVIL. Sadly, even though they don't even hide it anymore, some people are unable to accept or too scared to believe that horrific acts of evil including Satanic Ritual Abuse...Secret CIA Covert Operations such as Project MK-Ultra...take place in the NSA protected bunker under the Getty Museum, Hollywood Homes, Club 33... and bunkers worldwide....and so governments will continue with this worldwide trafficking operation, raping, killing children for adrenochrome, organ harvesting, experimentation...
Wars and rumors of wars...Others are awaiting a Divine Intervention and then there are those of us who follow JESUS AS OUR COMMANDER and ACT: Luke "Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions,and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you." The #OccupyTheGetty Mission is focused on obliterating ancient evil forever. THIS IS A SPIRITUAL WAR! -" The Getty Museum hiding a deep underground city full of advanced technology and being the hub for Satanic child trafficking and worse.
"Nothing changes until we go underground, NOTHING." Steven D. Kelley
As I PRAY for all survivors suffering today, and the URGENT RESCUE of INNOCENT MISSING CHILDREN worldwide, I have to ask since NOTHING has changed for all these years, how much worse does it have to get for us and our children above ground before everyone finally realizes they we have the POWER to end this LIVING HELL by uniting as a FEARLESS FORCE. We believe that by providing SERVICE TO OTHERS (ANIMALS COUNT) leads us to a higher consciousness. "Every test successfully met is rewarded by some growth in intuitive knowledge, strengthening of character, or initiation into a higher consciousness." Paul Brunton
Ephesians 6:11 "Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil." - End of quote.
A world unable, unwilling, and afraid to face The Truth is about to have a head on collision with The Truth. Can you think of anything more traumatic?
Is this the great earthquake that will cause all of the mountains to be moved? I think so.
I have actually had two people close to me say that they prefer to just keep their heads in the sand. I explained to both of them that the problem with that is that while ones head is buried in the sand, ones backside is fully exposed.
Im reaching the point that i dont want to talk to people anymore. They really dont care. Pills, video games, and stupid little two minute videos. And porn. Oh, lets not forget football. Take away these things and they might listen. Nah, who am i kidding? It probably wont matter then either.
So what do we do about this? Nothing. Just wait. Wait for The Lord to tell us what to do and when. What else is there?
Did you do this, please?
Someone dear to me once told me to stop my mind from racing, which is a very important step.
Have you gone through the Yodas available at:-
There's one particular Yoda (they are all vital) which is about networking in it, unplugging, in relation to the teachings of Matrix movie. (There's more about this network/server thing in twh.pdf)
Combined with:-
Why do you think it is that a few unstable patriots have not gone on a prolonged hunting trip and eradicated as many of these evil creatures as possible?
So many nuts out there, yet none of them have cracked?
Even after watching their children die?
I'll tell you.
It is because The Lord, our Father, is holding them back. It is not yet time, and He doesnt want any of His children "jumping the gun" so to speak.
When He decides, we move. All of us, in unison.
Until then, there is not much for us to do but to study, help others, and most importantly, draw closer to Him.
Come quickly, Christ Light.
I believe that it isn't quite possible for 800,000 kids to go missing (and don't return) every year in the USA for obvious reason...
Try Yandex. Google is CIA they are behind most of the missing kids. It isn't rocket science.
As an american, and knowing the state of things here, i would not be surprised if ND's numbers, and her assessment, are correct
Can you please help me by replying to this, @ThePrisoner ?
Not perhaps rocket science but could it be mathematics and demographics-science?
How many are born in the USA per year and what would the effect be if 800.000 children disapperead every year?
Is there anyone here with such an analytical mind that is able to make such a calculation?
Pass, I have said what I wanted to.....I can't control or change you, only you can do that, so any further inputs from me would be counter-productive.
Most of our families are broken. Destroyed.
Most parents didnt hesitate to inject their kids with an experimental sustance, knowing that the producers of said substance are released from any and all liability, and against the advice of others.
We dont need satanists to torture and kill our children.
We are doing a pretty good job ourselves
Rocket science to NOT use a biased CIA tool like Google that is...obviously you didnt use it or you would have found results
Good deeds (service) as directed from Father in heaven and The Lord Who is with us do wonders though the results are not always apparent. The Teachings of Jesus found in the four Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke , John) help us. We are given many opportunities throughout the day. The opportunities are there. No matter how small.