Fake Jabs: 2200 Celebrities And Politicians Got FAKE JAB #Saline #Spain

[Spanish police are investigating a racket where famous sportsmen and women, politicians and celebrities were injected with a saline solution and then certified as “vaccinated” against Covid-19. Do you think they've been doing the same in other countries too?]

Link To Story – Many questions remain over the false Covid-19 vaccination certificates bought by stars, sports personalities and business leaders « Euro Weekly News

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While the WHO and our political leaders want us to trust in the COVID vaccines and push for legal measures to force it upon us, it seems even Big Pharma executives don’t even trust the safety of the vax.

Police have charged Jose Maria Fernandez Sousa-Faro, the president of European pharmaceutical behemoth PharmaMar, with being falsely vaccinated against COVID-19. Dr. Sousa-Faro is embroiled in a European controversy involving individuals, many of whom are well-known figures, being added to the National Immunization Registry in exchange for large sums of money.

According to police sources and El Periodico de Espana, Sousa-Faro arranged to be injected with a saline solution instead of a COVID-19 vaccination and spent hundreds of euros to have his name added to Spain’s immunization register.

Dr. Sousa-Faro is one of almost 2,200 celebrities and European elites who have been erroneously vaccinated against Covid, according to a list compiled by National Police.

Continued at the link.


# The ones who suffered from diabetics were more likely to die after taking the fake covid jabs!!!

Your body will destroy any foreign entity that imposes itself on your body. If it is not your DNA your body will repel breaking it down completely over time. And the same goes for all organ transplants.
