Experimental Covid-19 “vaccines” could cause mad cow disease, experts warn

Experimental Covid-19 “vaccines” could cause mad cow disease, experts warn – Investment Watch


Kuru belongs to a class of diseases called transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSEs), also called prion diseases. It primarily affects the cerebellum — the part of your brain responsible for coordination and balance.

Unlike most infections or infectious agents, kuru is not caused by a bacteria, virus, or fungus. Infectious, abnormal proteins known as prions cause kuru. Prions are not living organisms and do not reproduce. They are inanimate, misshapen proteins that multiply in the brain and form clumps, hindering normal brain processes.

Doctors investigate mystery brain disease in Canada

  • By Jessica Murphy
  • BBC News, Toronto

5 May 2021

Started before pandemic but numbers are rising. Bit of a coincidence but are they getting their excuses ready?

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Thank-You. Perhaps this is in their plans to use as an excuse (an "outbreak") to take away red meat?

You're welcome.