🚨🇬🇧 Excess Deaths Rebranded - The UK has gone full on Orwellian

:rotating_light::uk: Excess Deaths Rebranded - The UK has gone full on Orwellian

Ed Dowd: Excess Death Projections For 2024 (Excess Death Rates Appear To Be Falling)

Ed Dowd: Excess Death Projections For 2024 (Excess Death Rates Appear To Be..

Official denial in UK Parliament – Excess Deaths

Dutch researchers say there have been 3 million excess deaths in 47 countries during 2020-2022; this could be 35 million globally

By Rhoda Wilson on June 7, 2024

A bombshell study was recently published in BMJ Public Health by a group of researchers in Amsterdam, Netherlands. Analysing data from 47 Western countries, the researchers found there had been more than 3 million excess deaths since 2020 and covid vaccines may have helped fuel the rise.

Welcome the Eagle has taken averages from the Dutch study and extrapolated them to get an indication of what excess deaths globally could be. He calculated 25.8 million. However, through previous estimations, he believes the global excess deaths to be closer to 35 million.

Using all-cause mortality reports from the ‘Our World in Data’ database, Dutch researchers discovered that the total number of excess deaths in 47 countries of the Western World was 3,098,456 from 1 January 2020 until 31 December 2022.

They published their findings in BMJ Public Health which was then described in a Telegraph article titled: ‘Covid vaccines may have helped fuel rise in excess deaths.’

Researchers from The Netherlands analysed data from 47 Western countries and discovered there had been more than three million excess deaths since 2020, with the trend continuing despite the rollout of vaccines and containment measures.

They said the “unprecedented” figures “raised serious concerns” and called on governments to fully investigate the underlying causes, including possible vaccine harms.

Covid vaccines may have helped fuel rise in excess deaths, The Telegraph, 5 June 2024

“During the pandemic, it was emphasised by politicians and the media on a daily basis that every covid-19 death mattered and every life deserved protection through containment measures and covid-19 vaccines. In the aftermath of the pandemic, the same morale should apply. Every death needs to be acknowledged and accounted for, irrespective of its origin,” the researchers wrote.

You can read the Dutch study published in BMJ Public Health on 3 June 2024 HERE and we’ve attached a copy of The Telegraph’s article below.

Continued at link...

Jun 4
Source: x.com



30 Million excess deaths, 1.5 Billion injured Globally via the experimental Gene therapy Trump shot

Excess Deaths Since Covid Vaccines