Engineered Food Crisis & Economy Collapse For The Campo

Inflation falls in Spain but some still struggle to make ends meet

The inflation in Spain dropped to 9 percent in September from 10.5 percent in August, but some people are still struggling to make ends meet.

Lines at food banks grow as inflation soars in Spain - La Prensa Latina Media

The increase in food prices due to rising inflation driven by the war in Ukraine is causing lines at food banks to swell as more people fall into poverty in Spain. According to social organizations, queues at food banks have grown in recent months, with a new profile of people waiting in line to receive a free meal and basic supplies. At the Madrina Foundation, an association that offers food and hygiene products to babies and their mothers, the number of applicants has grown by 30% in recent months, to an average of 250 people queuing in the street everyday. Continues.

Despite social protections, COVID-19 exacerbated poverty in Spain - Despite social protections, COVID-19 exacerbated poverty in Spain

A study published Friday by the European Anti Poverty Network (EAPN) revealed that around 380,000 more people were driven into poverty in Spain last year.

In total, 27.8% of the Spanish population was found to be at risk of poverty and social exclusion – fourth highest rate in the EU, after Romania, Bulgaria and Greece.

The study is the first comprehensive look at how the coronavirus pandemic affected poverty in Spain.

Although researchers say Spain’s social safety net protected 1.5 million people from falling into poverty during the pandemic, COVID-19 “aggravated” the trend of increasing economic hardship for the most vulnerable.

Overall, 44.9% of Spanish residents had some trouble making it to the end of the month in 2021, according to the report.

Before the war in Ukraine sent energy prices skyrocketing, 14.3% of Spain’s population could not afford the cost of adequately heating or cooling their homes.

Spain: The Last Advanced Economy To Recover Pre-Covid Levels, In 2026, According To The IMF

It will take us Spaniards six years to get back to where we were in 2019. After the latest slowdown in growth, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) has revised its forecasts for world GDP per capita. And the result is that, of the 24 countries that make up what the organisation calls ‘advanced economies’, 23 are going to recover their pre-covid-19 standard of living before Spain. Continues.

Gibraltar feeling it too -

Cost of living crisis: more people rely on soup kitchen as the end of the month and pay day approach

A soup kitchen next to St Theresa’s Church in Gibraltar prepares 40-50 meals a day, with a higher number of people relying on the free food as the end of the month and pay day approach.

The "controlling" elites in Gibraltar don't care about those they view as beneath them, despite their lip service - Housing for the mega-rich while locals forced to live in Spain - #3 by Cheeky-Monkey. They will continue to build housing for rich foreigners. They will continue to enrich themselves, while they send more and more people to the soup kitchen. Face it; they are d/evils.

The Campo of Gibraltar Can End All This By United Under Christ

Relying on evil, corrupt politicians who take orders from Satanic globalists who intend to depopulate by the world by pharmacy, war and starvation is madness. T.H.E.Y. are building a technocracy to control every aspect of your lives.

The people of the Campo of Gibraltar need to side with Christ. Find out more on Gibraltar Messenger -


Pedro promises no cut in supplies or restrictions on gas, electricity and heating for Spain

Spain news update Tough times ahead for Spain

Spain's Socialist Party (PSOE) leader Pedro Sánchez – "We are preparing for all eventualities and Spaniards can rest easy", he assured, insisting that there will be no cut in supply "and citizens will not have restrictions on the use of gas, electricity and heating.

The president has assured that he is "very aware" that the Spanish are going through difficulties and has admitted that the cost of living is going to continue to be high and it will probably be necessary to face moments of slowdown.

No longer is it "Let them eat cake". Now it is "Let them eat bugs".

Aldi considers selling edible INSECTS to help families through the cost-of-living crisis

  • Aldi is considering introducing a line of edible insect recipe kits in its UK stores
  • The cost of Living Crisis has prompted the supermarket to look at new foods
  • Channel 4 running 'Aldi's Next Big Thing' which will hear from bug farmers
  • Aaron Thomas and Leo Taylor hope their 'Yum Bug' products will be successful

Budget supermarket Aldi is considering selling edible insect recipe kits as the cost of living crisis hits families.

Bugs such as crickets are known to be a cheap and sustainable form of protein.

Now Aldi is weighing up whether to stock products by Yum Bug, which make the insect recipe kits.

Yum Bug founders Aaron Thomas and Leo Taylor, both 28, are competing against other start-ups to get their product on the supermarket's shelves.

Well these people probably won't feel a crisis -

Spain Richest People List 2022 | Spain Billionaires 2022 | Spain Richest People Net Worth 2022

Spain Richest People List 2022 Spain Billionaires 2022 Spain Richest People...

Morrison's has already experienced empty shelves in the past. Now this scene emerges of a run of shelves (Nov). The context is unknown.

But is this a scene that will become familiar?

Morrisons are famous for their reductions and it causes a lot of scrambles .

Volunteers in Spain provide donations to struggling families

Three distribution centers in Madrid ship to NGOs and religious orgs.

Food Bank, Jose Moreno said – Every day, 8-10 new people come to sign up and there comes a time when social services are continually referring new people and we can't keep up.



The woman in the video explains how to get food from The Red Cross (minute 2:20) in Spain. She received a lot for two people, said it didn't matter if you had papers, your passport and address where you stay, would do it.

Hunger for Righteousness. - August 23 God at Eventide.

Many are wondering why their desire for righteousness is not satisfied according to My Promise. But that Promise was on condition that there should be hunger and thirst. If the Truths I have given have not been absorbed, there can be no real hunger for more.

So, when you miss the Joy-Light on your path, when the vision seems lost, and the Voice silent, then ask yourself, have you failed to live out the lessons that you were taught?

Live out My teaching in your lives, and then, hungry for more, come to me, Bread of Life, Food of your souls.

John 6:35 And Jesus said unto them, I am the bread of life: he that cometh to me shall never hunger; and he that believeth me shall never thirst.



Average price of electricity in Spain DOUBLES on Monday, January 23

The average price of electricity for regulated rate customers will increase by 103.34 per cent on Monday, January 23, compared to today, Sunday 22.

According to the operator of the Iberian Energy Market (OMIE), in the action, the cost of energy in the wholesale market – the so-called ‘pool’ - will stand at €71.92/MWh tomorrow.

Monday’s cheapest time will be between the hours of 2am and 3am, €34.44/MWh, while the most expensive will be between 8pm and 9pm, at €157.22/MWh.

Compensation for gas companies of €-0.69/MWh is added to this pool price. It must be paid by consumers who are beneficiaries of the measure, consumers of the regulated tariff (PVPC), or those who, despite being on the free market, have an indexed rate.

Spain remains at 12.7%, below the EU average (19.7%).

Eurostat: 8.3% of Europeans cannot afford a decent meal every other day


Europe Reloaded Editor: What this article fails to take into account on the economic level is the disastrous lockdown policy of the PLANdemic, which led to a wealth transfer of over a TRILLION dollars from the working and middle classes to the corporate elites affecting many otherwise prosperous countries.

Of all the countries, Romania is the most affected by this situation since 22.1% of its total population does not have access to an adequate meal every other day, followed by Bulgaria (21.6%), Slovakia (15.6%) and Hungary (13.9%). Conversely, the countries with the lowest rates are Ireland (1.4%), Cyprus (1.5%) and the Netherlands (2.1%). Spain, meanwhile, remains below the European average with 5.4%, or 0.7 points more than in 2021.

What seemed like a straightforward tax adjustment has sparked a fierce debate as the ACR raised concerns about potential profiteering.

Nearly half of the products subjected to scrutiny, approximately 48.9 per cent, have already experienced a price hike compared to their initial figures at the onset of the VAT reduction. This seemingly innocuous fiscal change, guided by a royal decree law, was meant to shield consumers from price surges.

Spain’s September Shock: 49% Surge in Food Prices Despite Reduced VAT


This is a bit of good news on the top of a food crisis:-

Spain to fight food waste again

This Bill has been on the cards since 2020 but has never passed into law although on this occasion, the Government is looking for support from all political parties.

The overall plan is to waste as little as possible and to try to ensure that human consumption of food is the priority and failing that, it is used either as animal feed or to create energy.

Rather than destroy food that is still edible (although possibly past sell by date) all stores selling food which occupy more than 1,300 square metres will be required by law to donate this to food banks or charities.

Stores should not reject so called ‘ugly’ fruit and vegetables and farmers should not simply destroy anything that doesn’t fit with normal size and shape criteria.

I always thought it was a good idea for Gibraltar to collect food waste and make biofuel.

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