End of the Pharmaceutical Dark Age Near as the Light of Truth Falls Upon the “Chemical Imbalance” Con

The pharmaceutical crime syndicate has been caught out scamming the public yet again.

The ‘chemical imbalance’ was a psychiatric marketing tool

Since 2000, over 5 billion pounds has been spent on antidepressants in England alone. There’s no doubt this represents commercial success which has kept shareholders happy, but it has been at human expense.

There have been 151 warnings from 11 countries and the European Union warning that antidepressants cause harmful side effects. These include 37 warnings on antidepressants causing suicide risk or suicidal behaviour.

This time the longstanding psychiatric con of “chemical imbalances” in the brain that can only be “rebalanced” by dishing out dangerous drugs with horrible side effects (without the “correct chemical balance” ever having been identified) has been thoroughly exposed as another overdose of mind-numbing pseudo-science.

The scam, of course, made a lot of money for the degenerates masterminding the unholy alliance of sociopathic drug manufacturers and the psychiatric control cult of drug pushers. It also incapacitated or murdered a large number of people in support of the globalist eugenics program to kill or cow the human race.

But it looks like the truth has finally penetrated the force-screens of disinformation for which the psycho-political-pharmaceutical con-plex is notorious.

This latest embarrassment for the subversives behind the pharmaceutical crime syndicate comes hot on the heels of the cash-and-burn of the covid psyop and the mounting vaxjab death toll.

The writing is on the wall for the genocidal scamsters as the number of people who still believe a ruddy word that dribbles from the forked tongues of these maniacs has dwindled almost to vanishing point.
Hopefully, heads will roll and these criminals will answer for the millions they have maimed and killed over the decades of the now vanishing Pharmaceutical Dark Age.

The following featured article from The Citizens Commission on Human Rights UK (CCHR UK) whose 60+ years of dedicated campaigning against psychopharmaceutical tyranny has now yielded a huge truth dividend, provides a cogent analysis of the “chemical imbalance” mass-drugging drive

