Electric Car Dangers


North Carolina’s Coming Run on Electric Cars

When Hurricane Helene knocked out the power in Charlotte, North Carolina, on Friday, Dustin Baker, like many other people across the Southeast, turned to a backup power source. His just happened to be an electric pickup truck. Over the weekend, Baker ran extension cords from the back of his Ford F-150 Lightning, using the truck’s battery to keep his refrigerator and freezer running. It worked so well that Baker became an energy Good Samaritan. “I ran another extension cord to my neighbor so they could run two refrigerators they have,” he told me.

Weaponizing Tesla Cars? Tesla Cars are Death Traps!

January 2, 2025

Comments by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News

There were two articles in my news feed today about Tesla vehicles.

One was headline news in the national news, both Corporate Network News and the “Alternative” News.

I guess the reason why that story was headline news today, is because a Tesla truck blew up in Las Vegas in front of one of Trump’s Vegas properties.

I’m not going to comment on that story, since everyone else is, and it is obvious that this is the story that the media lords want everyone to read.

The second article I saw regarding Tesla today was in a local news report in California, where it was reported that two men were trapped inside a Tesla after it burst into flames.


Weaponizing Tesla Cars? Tesla Cars are Death Traps!


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The Teslas that aren't stranded in the cold now orbit around the Tesla charging stations... nothing worse than being a Tesla customer unless you like spending your day in the cold waiting for a charge....

Towing your Tesla for a charge becomes knew survival skill for Tesla owners....Teslas can generate a small enough charge after being towed for a few miles to help you get home...

Was a long night for people stuck in snow last night... those with non electric vehicles stayed warm...

Putting Lipstick on a Pig

Man films a fleet of "green" Amazon electric vehicles charging in the snow... by a massive diesel generator. :clown_face:

The West has fallen way behind. In the cities in China now the traffic is quiet because it's all electric, cars, bikes mopeds and e-bikes for hire everywhere. They used to have problems with air pollution because of smog in the cities like Beijing, all of that is gone now that transportation is electric. I've been watching some videos by western people who are living there and they can't stop talking about how great it is. The streets are clean, everything is modern, it safe to walk on the street any time of day or night, you can be wearing your fancy watch and clothing and no one will bother you even if it's 2AM. Public transport is fantastic, so you don't need a car but lots of people also have them. They say that what the western media tells people about China are lies and that most American people live in a bubble, believing that they live in the best place in the world and therefore don't need to get a passport. Many creators on YT are now making videos about this, as they have opened up with free 10 day visas. It's shocking how far the west is behind China. The tradeoff of it, is you don't use cash and everything is done with your phone and an app, buying lunch, riding the bus or train, paying for things, using a rental bike, etc. which means that the government knows everything about where you travel and your purchase history. It seems people there feel that it's worth it and to their benefit because there is zero gun crime, no school shootings, etc. They say that they way society works is based on the Golden Rule, treat others the way you would like to be treated and that people there do it and are kind and helpful to foreigners. It appears to be very different from the West according to what people are showing, but it seems they have the electrical situation sorted out pretty well.