Thousands of people were duped into attending a non-existent Halloween parade in Dublin last night by a fake website & social media pages.
.."The 'My Spirit Halloween' site was likely created for ad rev purposes. Fake Trust Pilot reviews, real photos from old Macnas events, gen AI text & fake FB pages promoted parade. Site claims to be based in Illnois but all signs point to person(s) behind it being based in Pakistan."
I suspect humans were involved and with malfeasance and forethought to boot. The following is a quote from a video I am currently in the process of viewing: They want to destroy the search for truth and plunge it into chaos to such an extent that in the end not a single person will know what is truth and what is a lie, what is real and what is false.
Oddly, the people who showed-up for this hoax are not seen wearing halloween costumes (at least not in the image provided) which is something those types would do. Perhaps, it was on too short notice?
Thank-you @Cybe for bringing attention to this hoax because it is a serious matter.
This is the video (below) from which the above quote was found. You may not be in agreement with all the opinions of the video's content creator, but I trust you will agree with the overall message he presents.
We are in the midst of the biggest information war the world has ever seen. You will hear groundbreaking news that can prepare you for the inevitable confrontations to come. The more attractive a story sounds, the more carefully you should check it! They want to destroy the search for truth and plunge it into chaos to such an extent that in the end not a single person will know what is truth and what is a lie, what is real and what is false.