Drought Reveals Spanish Stonehenge


Spain's Stonehenge revealed: Prehistoric circle of 150 stones 2,000 years older than Britain's famed monument emerges from the depths of a reservoir after drought causes water to drop to a quarter of its usual level

Could this monolith in Spain could be Hebrew?

Spain is known as the IBERIAN Peninsula - WHY? The word Iberia is a corruption of the word "Eber"ia / Heberia which means "Hebrew's Land". Eber (from whom the word Hebrew derives) was the grand-sire of the Hebrew Abraham. The FIRST inhabitants of Iberia, from the Adamic Race, were Hebrews (NOT Jews and NOT Spaniards). Is Gibraltar British or Spanish?

Take Stonehenge in England for example:

Stonehenge in England is a Sabbatical Calendar system:

The Sabbatical Calendar system, being built-into Britain's country-side, is another one of the many clues that proves that the British peoples are Israel; and just cannot be completely hidden away, by the "System's" hierarchy, who wish to hide the Truth from the sheeple, in order to control and enslave them, with their illegal (under God's Perfect Laws of Liberty) and Satanic legislation, which is designed to make themselves (the rich) richer and everyone else poor and slaves to them. Stonehenge; the Aubrey Circuit and The Sabbatical Law and Calendar


Spain's Stonehenge revealed

A prehistoric circle of 150 standing stones dubbed the Spanish Stonehenge has re-emerged from a reservoir for the only the fifth time since its discovery after the worst drought in 60 years left the waterbody at a quarter of its usual level.

The Dolmen of Guadalperal, a circle of granite stones dating from 5,000 BC, in the Valdecañas Reservoir in central Spain has only been seen four times since it was discovered in 1924. Nearly 20 years later, in 1963, the valley was deliberately flooded on the order of the Spanish dictator Franco, only emerging at periods of intense drought in the following years.

The stones, which are at least 2,000 years older than Stonehenge in England, have wavy details that are believed to represent the nearby Tagus River. Some theories suggest the prehistoric structure was either used as a solar temple or laid over tombs when it was built by Celtic people 7,000 years ago.

It is not as famous as Stonehenge in England, but the theories to their purposes are similar - the monument in Wiltshire is also thought to serve as an ancient solar calendar.

The Spanish Stonehenge stones could disappear completely if they endure another prolonged submersion because the granite rocks are prone to erosion. Prehistoric 'Spanish Stonehenge' more than 7,000 years old re-emerges from a reservoir | Daily Mail Online

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Drought reveals Spanish Stonehenge


Spain Struggling With 3-Year Drought

Spain Struggling With 3 Year Drought

Spain has been experiencing drought conditions for three years. Some reservoirs, with dry, cracked land, look more like a desert than areas meant for holding water. Three years of drought conditions are having economic effects on Spain, as well. Leisure and tourism industries, like watersports, have taken a major hit, as has agriculture. Meteorologists in Spain are predicting another hot, dry summer, increasing the possibility of wildfires.

The Drought reveals more structures:

Millennium-old monastery emerges from lake in drought-stricken Spain

The Monastery of Sant Salvador de la Vedella was built in 830 A.D. atop a cliff, according to the Municipal Council of Cercs. The complex consisted of several buildings and overlooked the nearby village. All of that changed in 1976 when several villages were evacuated for the creation of the Baells reservoir.

Read more.


Perfect, stunning, sunflowers designs in UK in the Stonehenge area.

David Mahoney: This is MAJOR Intel, Folks!! It's Going Down NOW!!


Stonehenge's purpose may have been to unify ancient Britain after scientists make discovery about stones' origins

Researchers have been focusing on the six-tonne altar stone at the centre of the Wiltshire landmark, which was recently discovered to have come from northeast Scotland - not from west Wales - as had previously been thought.
Stonehenge may have been built to unite the early people of Britain - long before there was a kingdom, a new study has suggested.

Geological analysis has revealed the stones were brought to Salisbury Plain in Wiltshire from the far north, west and south of the island nearly 5,000 years ago.

The effort to transport them hundreds of miles with only primitive tools must mean they had a unifying purpose, according to research published in the journal Archaeology International.

Professor Mike Parker Pearson, lead researcher and an archaeologist at University College London, said: "The fact that all of its stones originated from distant regions, making it unique among over 900 stone circles in Britain, suggests that [Stonehenge] may have had a political as well as a religious purpose - as a monument of unification for the peoples of Britain, celebrating their eternal links with their ancestors and the cosmos."

Recent research on the six-tonne altar stone, which lies within the circle, has given a new insight to the mysterious monument.

A team from Aberystwyth University showed it came from northeast Scotland, not from west Wales, as had previously been thought.

The Altar Stone, seen underneath two bigger Sarsen stones. Pic: Professor Nick Pearce / Aberystwyth University

Image: The altar stone, seen underneath two bigger Sarsen stones. Pic: Professor Nick Pearce / Aberystwyth University

The finding could explain why the alter stone is laid horizontally, with similarities to the "recumbent" stone circles only found in that area of Scotland.


Stonehenge; the Aubrey Circuit
and The Sabbatical Law and Calendar.

The Stonehenge observatory, situated on the Salisbury Plains of Southern England, remains to most modern researchers, one of the foremost mysteries of British antiquity. It is far too often hastily concluded by researchers, that we will never truly know what the site was constructed for; but this is a view, far too constrained by the thinking of those who seek to fit the Universe into their ability to comprehend it, rather than seek to expand their comprehension to be able to understand the Universe.

