Dr. Tenpenny: This is The Biggest Scam Ever Perpetrated on The Human Race…

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Dr. Tenpenny: This is The Biggest Scam Ever Perpetrated on The Human Race…


Deep State Pressing CV19 Fear Button for Control – Dr. Sherri Tenpenny

Dr. Tenpenny says this is not about saving lives or real medicine. It is 100% about control.

Dr. Tenpenny points out, “Now, with the reactivation with what they are trying to do with this new (CV19) variant, it’s nonsensical stuff. We already have colleges that are shutting down and putting on masks, social distancing and self-quarantining.

Now is the time to move in the entire global economy: one world religion, one world government, one world money. Now is the time because we have a window of opportunity, and we are going to take every inch we can get, and they did.

Join Greg Hunter of USAWatchdog.com as he goes One-on-One with Dr. Sherri Tenpenny:


An Irreversible Decision: Once You've Been Vaccinated, You Cannot Become Unvaccinated

Taken from video: "People really need to put their lives in God's hands and NOT a pharmaceutical."
Dr. Sherri Tenpenny: "The types of things that this injection does, binding the spike protein to the surface of your cells, making an antibody, which means you're sensitized to that forever ... Once you've been vaccinated, it is the mark. You cannot become unvaccinated ... This is an irreversible thing."

An Irreversible Decision: Once You've Been Vaccinated, You Cannot Become...