Don't Judge

A quick look at not judging others, this message dropped this morning.

Is anyone struggling with unforgiveness, here is what I hope can help others

I have always found bitterness in my heart towards those who had actually strived so hard to make me serve Satan through frustration, pain, poisoning the human among others. When this failed, they now offered me as a sacrifice for emersing wealth according to them or lies they got from Satan they forget that only God blesses us, Deuteronomy 28 which Father didn't permit either but left me with a lot of pain and wounds so this made me develop too much hatred and unforgiveness for them, only to realize they need our pity, sympathy and prayers for them to also come out of all the deadly evils they have learnt from the enemy.

So I prayed to Father for the spirit of forgiveness since I could not handle myself even fasted about it but all in vain.

Then finally Father perfectly helped me through different messages but this particular
one has caught my attention and very helpful and felt like sharing with others who may still be trapped in Satan's lies

If Father in His mercy shows or warns us or a particular person something with a confirmation live or stop practicing or doing it. For example if He tells you to stop eating pork stop it, Leviticus 11:7. But if you still see others doing it, please don't judge them because God could have not yet warned them even if they read and still use the verse in Timothy that all animals were cleansed because they could have also stopped doing other things which you are still, I remembered once the Lord say however evil someone is, they still have something good in them but one thing I'm sure of the soulless are really very heartless from what I have experienced, they wish we also join them in their slavery of the agreements they either entered knowingly or unknowingly. God have mercy on them.

No one is perfect but God in His mercy just helps us to overcome sin and we don't even obey His Laws 100% because if we did, we would have gone back home long time ago, never the less we still thank Him for at least not being very evil and soulless like others.

God's interests in people is different although the main goal is to get it right and go back to Him. Father can communicate or show the same message to different people in different ways but means the same thing why because Satan likes copying Him and altering His messages since he came to still, kill and destroys, Satan always likes spoiling Father's good things. So God lives somethings for Himself or complicate them or make them not to be understood so that Satan doesn't understand.

If we understood all God's Ways, we would have behaved likes Satan thinking that we are more powerful or better than Father.

So if Father warns you to to stop doing something especially with confirmations let go of it immediately because you don't want to go through the consequences of disobedience.

Do you know why God doesn't want us to judge others please?

Because we have the law and we don't obey all of them, now with the little we have obeyed we start judging those who are not doing the ones you have mastered/obeyed. We are not perfect that's why we are still here. We just pray for ourselves and one another.

What I know each sin has it's own consequences but end result of all sin if not repented for is death, wages of sin is death.

Only Father knows the right thing to do or say.

3:9 Therewith bless we God, even the Father; and therewith curse we men, which are made after the similitude (in the image) of God.
3:10 Out of the same mouth proceedeth blessing and cursing. My brethren, these things ought NOT so to be.


3:9 Therewith bless we God, even the Father; and therewith curse we men, which are made after the similitude (in the image) of God.
3:10 Out of the same mouth proceedeth blessing and cursing. My brethren, these things ought NOT so to be.

Should we call them Ego traps

Thank-you @Nam.

Remember, too, that My Command of "Judge not" was as explicit as that of "Thou shalt do no murder," "Thou shalt not commit adultery." Obey Me in all.

2:43 ONLY God can judge, because only God knows what is good, and can therefore judge justly. Men are only relatively good or bad, one to another, likewise their judgement, because there is no-one good, here in prison. All the good souls have gone home to heaven. It was false judgement, that sent Jesus the Nazarite (see Numbers ch.6), to the cross.

IMHO, at the heart of false judgement is collusion, gossip, one or more "blabber-mouths" controlling and manipulating others in an attempt to create a mob and to isolate a group or individual (as in the case of Jesus) and in the center of it is Ego.

It is really a horrible thing (true horror) as expressed in The Gospel according to Matthew: 27:46 And about the ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice, saying, Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani? that is to say, My God, my God, why hast Thou forsaken me? (Eno. 89:20; Psalm 22; Isaiah 52:13 to 54:1; Sura 4:157-8.)

From YODA:

But for My Grace. - December 8

You are Mine. Mine to control, to lead, to cherish. Trust Me for all.

In thinking of and dealing with others realize that whatever their sin, you would be as they are but for My protection, but for My tender forgiveness.

Remember, too, that My Command of "Judge not" was as explicit as that of "Thou shalt do no murder," "Thou shalt not commit adultery." Obey Me in all.

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You are welcome. Breaking one of the commandments makes us guilty of breaking all with different consequences but the end result or wages of sin is death

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