Someone had pointed out:

Dr Malone does give some good advice, but he also is set to make a fortune on his vaccine for coboloney.

It Might Be Controlled Opposition If.....How to Spot Covid-19 Misinformation Tactics in Real Time

It might be controlled opposition if.....

*.....instead of demanding immediate end to ALL Covid-19 policies due to mass criminal fraud, they attend a vaccination SUMMIT to sell next generation Covid-19 vaccines while engaging in a campaign to take down their competition who is raking in 100s of billions of dollars off Covid-19 vaccinations (*to the victor the spoils go

Dr Robert Malone outlines third Covid-19 long term mitigation strategy:

(Employ) Rapid test kits that will have many false positives....this is...I am trained as a pathologist, when you widely deploy tests for screening purposes you always set them so that you have false positives.....

Is Dr Malone part of the toolkit?

From: The Smoking Gun: Where is the coronavirus? The CDC says it isn’t available - #49 by be1

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