CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY – Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, his bombshell videos, and the legal-suits

What’s the status since Fuellmich’s Bombshell video?

Dr. Reiner’s Fuellmich’s “Crimes Against Humanity” video went viral; and it was featured on Defending-Gibratar (above). He put the culprits on notice. And Fuellmich, along with others like Dr. Heiko Schöning, have combined their effects to hold the culprits to account.

Published December 8: The article below also gives background details on Fuellmich and the group he is involved in.

Published December 10: There are three main promoters of the “corona panic” that are being sued, and these are the same people that our governments are basing their lockdown on:

  1. Dr Christian Drosten, virologist and Director of the Institute at Charité Hospital in Berlin — Drosten is the inventor of the PCR test.
  2. Mr Tedros Adhanom, head of the World Health Organisation or WHO
  3. Mr Lothar Wieler, veterinarian and head of the German equivalent of the CDC, the RKI

Published Dec. 17:

This post features a video where the lawyers of the German Corona Committee hear evidence of financial damage caused by lockdown measures to a Berlin business owner. Nils Roth, owner of the “Green Mango Karaoke Bar” in Berlin gives testimony.

See also: BOMBSHELL: WHO Coronavirus PCR Test Primer Sequence is Found in All Human DNA - #6 by DOTS