Covid Shots Killed 35 Million

As Slay News reported earlier, a bombshell peer-reviewed study was recently published in the prestigious British Medical Journal by a group of world-renowned researchers in Amsterdam, Netherlands.

The researchers, led by Dr. Saskia Mostert of the Pediatric Oncology Department at Emma Children’s Hospital in Amsterdam, looked at excess death data in 47 Western countries for the years 2020, 2021, and 2022.

Aside from one article in the UK’s Telegraph, the explosive Dutch study has not been reported by any corporate news outlets.

The Telegraph article is titled: “Covid vaccines may have helped fuel rise in excess deaths.”

“Researchers from The Netherlands analyzed data from 47 Western countries and discovered there had been more than three million excess deaths since 2020, with the trend continuing despite the rollout of vaccines and containment measures,” the report states.

The researchers raised concerns that governments and corporate media outlets are ignoring vaccine deaths despite giving round-the-clock coverage to alleged “Covid deaths” during the pandemic.

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See also:-

Dutch researchers say there have been 3 million excess deaths in 47 countries during 2020-2022; this could be 35 million globally

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Doctors Warn of ‘Alarming 3000% Increase in Unexplained Child Deaths’

Frank BergmanJuly 6, 2024

A group of prominent Canadian medical doctors and scientists has just held a press conference to warn the public about a staggering spike in child deaths.

The doctors issued an emergency warning over an “alarming 3000% increase in unexplained child deaths.”

The press conference featured Dr. Byram Bridle, Dr. William Makis, Darrell Komick, Dr. Chris Shoemaker, Dr. David Speicher, and Dr. Mark Trozzi.

The doctors took questions from reporters about the surge in child deaths which emerged after the Covid mRNA shots rollout started in early 2021.

The presser was held on the morning after the landmark event “An Injection of Truth” in Calgary, Canada.

At the event, a delegation of Canadian medical doctors and scientists presented crucial scientific information.

They then held the press conference to alert the public about their findings.

This event addressed the dramatic increase in unexplained child deaths in Alberta.

Doctors and scientists have been collaborating to find solutions aimed at providing essential knowledge to Albertans and the global community.

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