Covid Headlines of Interest

COVID-19 Was a Coup D’État

I wanted to talk about coup d’état. Everyone thinks they know what a
coup d’état is. Surely it is an insurrection, an attempt to snatch power
away from those who hold it? Surely it is the October Revolution of
1917? Surely it is January 6th? Well, it can be these. But it is actually something much more interesting than mere insurrection. For, as
originally defined by the remarkable French writer of the early 17th
century, Gabriel Naudé, it is not something which is done to a state,
but something done by a state. A coup d’état, he wrote, is a coup
inflicted by the state on the people. He said it was like the act of a
god, a thunderbolt, a raining down of disaster, an Old Testament plague,
a sudden blow.

I submit that COVID-19 was a coup d’état.
Continued at link.

And these headlines:

World Economic Forum finally tells the truth about Covid: It was a
‘test’ of our obedience to rapidly forming new world order

The Great Unraveling of the COVID-19 Global Psychological Operation

33 US Nurses Died Suddenly This Week Amid ‘Unprecedented’ Death Surge Among Covid-Vaxxed

Four organisations of the plandemic-vaccine industry are seeking to
raise $123 billion; the money for their schemes will be coming from you


COVID Scam Destroyed the Matrix

42x increase in Excess Deaths among Children in Europe recorded since Covid jab approved

CDC Pushes for Babies to Get 3 Unlicensed Covid mRNA Shots by 9 Months

Study Links Covid mRNA Shots to Blood Cancer Surge


A Close Examination of Peer Reviewed Study Re Self Assembling Nano Technology in Covid 19 Injectables

Self-replicating vaccines due to be rolled out next month in Japan could result in a worldwide disaster

No One Need Allow Themselves to Be Fooled for a Second Time

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Explosive Study: Covid ‘Vaccines’ Caused 74% of ALL Deaths

NHS Director Blows Whistle – Hospitals Fabricated Cause of

Death to Inflate COVID Pandemic Numbers!

Shocking CDC Revelation: COVID Vaccine Linked to 24-Year Lifespan

Reduction – Is Your Health at Risk?



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DIED SUDDENLY: Secret CDC Report confirms Fauci Lied & Hundreds of Thousands of Children Died due to COVID Vaccination


Explosive Gov. Report: Quadruple-Vaccinated Mortality Rates Skyrocket – Shocking CIA & Rockefeller Foundation Ties to Deagel’s 2025 Depopulation Agenda Exposed

Caught Red Handed: Fauci, Gates & Moderna responsible for COVID Pandemic

– U.S. D.O.D issued ‘COVID-19 Research’ contract 3 Months before COVID
was known to exist – & Fauci & Moderna had a Vaccine ready in Dec. 2019


Sudden Infant Deaths Surged after Covid ‘Vaccine’ Rollout, Study Confirms

52 Top Scientists Sign Letter Warning of ‘Substantial’ Cancer Risk from Covid ‘Vaccines’

England’s Chief Medical Officer admits “we may have overstated danger of Covid”

Scotland’s Chief Medical Officer tells UK Covid Inquiry hospitals were inundated with covid patients – hospital records show the opposite

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mRNA “vaccines” are an intentional attempt at global genocide

Before New Zealand’s covid vaccine rollout, 2,000 people attended A&E for chest pains in a year – now it is more than 30,000

Psychological Bioterrorism: The use of fear about pandemics tomanipulate and control populations

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Died Suddenly Australia - 3 Years of Carnage

Canadian Government Admits Deaths Surged Among Covid-Boosted Citizens

Dutch overwhelming say “no” to another covid injection

A summary of the evidence against the COVID vaccines

Proof that the covid-19 vaccine causes mental illness


Heart Attacks in Young Americans Surge an “Alarming” 66% Since 2020

[Also in other countries. What about in Gibraltar?]

Excess Child Deaths Surge 4,100% Since Covid Shot Rollout

Deaths in Western Australia town increase sevenfold after covid vaccine rollout

Slovak government’s investigation into the covid pandemic finds it was a

“fabricated operation” and calls for ban on mRNA injections


10 Different Analyses Confirm Huge Covid ‘Vaccine’ Deaths

Official Data Shows Kidney Failure Deaths Surging Among Covid-Vaxxed

Kimberly Overton, RN: ‘It Was a Never-ending Assembly Line of Remdesivir, Ventilator, DEATH, Wash, Rinse, Repeat…’


PlasmidGate just got a whole lot bigger: Recombinant vaccines have contained plasmid DNA for decades

Federal Lawsuit Targets Biden, Harris, Pfizer, Moderna Over Vaccine Mandates and Injuries

I was a nurse who thought my anti-vax relatives were crazy when they told me not to get the Covid jab

Massive Nano and Microrobot Activity In Pfizer BioN Tech COVID19 injection After 5 Weeks At Room Temperature – Massive Nano and Microrobot Activity In Pfizer BioN Tech COVID19 injection After 5 Weeks At Room Temperature – |

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Japan Raises Alarm as Deaths Continue to Climb Among Covid-Vaxxed

UK surgeon describes new aggressive cancers with a different biology after rollout of covid injections

NHS Tells Staff That Women are “Transphobic” if They Do Not Want to Share a Toilet with a Transgender Colleague

Dr. Brian Hooker’s Damning Testimony Against All Vaccines

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Mike Yeadon, EX- Pfizer Vice President, Bombshell Address

Explosive Study: Covid ‘Vaccines’ Caused 112,000% Surge in Brain Clots

The C0VlD-19 Shots Were Deliberately Contaminated With A Cytotoxic DNA Sequence! – This Explains The Sudden Cancer Cases…

Insurance Companies Going Bankrupt Due to Tsunami of Deaths from COVID Vaccines


Witness to Tragedy: ‘Huge’ Financial Incentives Led Hospitals to Use COVID Treatments That Killed Patients

Covid ‘Vaccines’ Caused Nursing Home Deaths to Soar, Advanced Study Finds


Rising Death Rates and Health Injuries from Covid Vax Can No Longer Be Covered up

Covid-19: The Greatest Hoax in History

Big Pharma-Sponsored Vaccinologist Finally Admits mRNA Shots Are Killing Millions


Red Alert Issued as Excess Deaths Still Skyrocketing in Covid-Vaxxed Children

Pfizer failed to disclose the deaths of two women from their COVID-19 vaccine clinical trials

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Top Doctor Blows Whistle on National TV: Covid Shots Are ‘Not Vaccines,’ They ‘Caused Unbelievable Damage to People’

The CFR from the Pfizer trial show the vaccines make you 14x more likely to die from COVID

New Zealand cardiologists concede the simple truth: Spike protein generated by mRNA COVID vaccines is a CARDIOTOXIN


The Covid Pandemic was Fake