COVID-19 is the Murder of Old People

What business in their right mind would make and sell a product called "Soylent Green"?

Well, someone has ..... and it is "as good as humanly possible". The name of the main character in the movie "Soylent Green" was Detective Thorn. Now isn't that interesting.

Soylent started with the basic idea that complete nutrition shouldn’t be difficult or expensive. Our co-founders met in 2013 in Silicon Valley, working under the same roof and eating the same diet of frozen meals and ramen noodles. After a lot of frustrating meals, founder Rob Rhinehart, alongside co-founders Matt Cauble, John Coogan, and David Renteln, developed Soylent as an experiment. Their hypothesis: Food can be simplified for the better. They were software engineers after all so they wanted to engineer better food for themselves.