Corona and The Eclipse

"What I mean is that I don't believe that one can interpret words as one wills."

Whether you "believe" it or not
is your own interpretation of "things" , as God - who is the mightiest of them all, gave each of us free will.

Look what has happened to the Bible, mans interpretation
has divided, manipulated, and contradicted the Word of God
into sooo many sects and religions, and versions of the Bible, that he is conquered by his own ignorance, words, and by his own thoughts and ideas.

His free will to change God's Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth, is the point of war. The destruction will not end until peoples free will to change comes alive and he starts listening to Almighty God instead of his own man made ideologies.

How's Africa???

No, we're not talking about "things" but words. Words have specific meanings that you can look up in a dictionary.

For instance, in this case, you've read articles and missunderstood them to mean that nuclear bombs have been launched into the sun when, if one reads the articles carefully and understands the meaning of the words correctly, clearly isn't true.

Is it a good idea to compare your misunderstood claim with man's misinterpretation of the Bible? I don't think so.

Africa? I'm in Finland. It's summery, quite pleasant, thank you.

You should be careful cybe
People know where you are now

Oh dear, B1

What feeling/emotion or energy inside you made you issue this implied threat?

Well, I'm sorry if you feel that I've treated you too harshly. I just wish for some clarity and discipline in communication here.

Well, if anyone is interested in visiting me, you're very welcome. now is the best time of the year for that. Sunrise here is at 4:05, sunset at 22:52. Soon it will be cold, snow, slick, ice, and darkness and shoveiling duties.

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The only way it could be a threat is if you think they want to hurt you.

Or you perceive it that way.

I don't want to hurt you cybe...


You know, I believe someone saying "You should be careful. People know where you are now" could very easily be interpreted as a veiled threat. A well used and chichéd one, actually.

This makes no sense...

10 posts were split to a new topic: Male-Female/ General/ Forum Communication

Sending nuclear bombs into the sun...

Yes, I believe there are probably quite a few handfulls of criminally people on Earth who have the satanically inspired idea to destroy planet earth, the sun or the whole universe, and imagine, theorize, plan, experiment with, for instance, blowing up the sun.

But I don't believe human+Beings have the technology to do that, the sun is just too big and earth-technology is too stone-agey.

I believe that science-fiction movies and action movies have brainwashed humanity into believing all kinds of silly fantasies...


I don't believe it is a good idea to ignore this so I ask you again. What was the purpose of these messages, please?

Reluctant to take up our time, and yet you have taken up extra much time by writing an extra long intellectually sounding reply that doesn't have any proper references and links to what you are referring so that if someone wishes to reply to it, and the accusations in it, they will have to find them themselves to see what you are referring to.

You also accuse of fallacies without showing and explaining them.

Thirdly you've added poorly prompted AI text which I did not read entirely.

Why are you telling this, why is it relevant, and why do you believe so?

Sorry to hear that. Peace be upon you, always because without it you will get into trouble, as explained in TWH. Please don't let these discussions interfere with things that need taken care of.

s also unable to bring peace by using the adjective "explainable" as a substitute for "normal". Unfortunately, pointing out that there are many other alternative formulations did not help eith
How come you left out the positive and hopeful outcome?

That the matters are resolved by wrongdoers being shown what they have done wrong, realizing what they've done, and apologizing ?

I understand and like this and have experienced similar things :slight_smile:

"Normal" and "Explainable" are not synonyms as can be seen in the different meaning of the following sentences.

  • His response to the situation was normal.

  • His response to the situation was explainable.

  • The weather today is normal for this season.

  • The weather today is explainable for this season.

What are you referring to please?


Kindest and most peaceful, so 10/10?

Who graded you score, please?

I'm here to help :slight_smile: How can I help you, please?

It is quite bizarre, isn't it :slight_smile:

Did I dismiss you for not expressing you perfectly, please?

order or allow to leave; send away.
treat as unworthy of serious consideration.
