Some interesting details about this new documentary
The movie opens with witches. That is telling right off the bat.
Climate deception, hoax ... altered perception of reality.
Another take:-
Just watched it. Very good summary.
President Joe Biden is under pressure from radical climate change activists to sign a presidential decree declaring a national climate emergency. They argue that this action is necessary to mobilize significant federal resources and address the urgent threats posed by global warming. Rick Wiles, Doc Burkhart. Airdate 04/26/2024.
Thetford residents express their disdain for the town council's unilateral decision to declare a climate crisis without consultation or evidence. A packed town hall echoes with concerns over the council's vague plans that require a hefty financial commitment from the townspeople. The community pushes back against the council's priorities and the call for fiscal responsibility in allocating resources for the town's needs.
The world Bank has lost $41,000,000,000 of 'Green Climate Change Funds'
The world Bank has lost $41,000,000,000 of 'Green Climate Change Funds'
It does not know who they gave it to, how much they gave, when they gave it or even what they gave it for! Yet does that get any coverage in the main stream media? No! This video exposes the bank and in doing so the entire basis of world wide green energy funding. One comment:- "Having spent time at the WB in Washington DC and its private arm the IFC, I can reliably say you are only touching the tip of a very rotten iceberg."
Climate the Movie, Part 2: Natural climate change and extreme weather
January 2, 2025
THE documentary Climate: The Movie first released at the start of 2024 remains the most important contribution to the debate about the so-called climate crisis and antidote to today’s ‘alarmism era’ that is causing so much havoc with energy policy and supplies. The film is one and half hours of careful argument and evidence and requires considerable concentration! After its release we thought it would help, for readers’ reference, if we published the transcript in sections. This we did between April 2 and April 5 2024. We are repeating these over the Christmas period.
Yesterday we republished the film’s preamble followed by the first sections on the scientific history of the earth and the ‘history’ of CO2. Today’s transcript is of the next sections on natural climate change and extreme weather.
You can watch the full film here. The transcript follows: the sections in bold type are the commentary.
In Earth’s atmosphere there are powerful forces at work, and perhaps the most powerful of all are clouds.
JOHN CLAUSER: CO2 is quite unimportant in controlling the Earth’s climate. What is important is clouds. Clouds don’t absorb any energy at all, they simply reflect all the sunlight back out into space. Big bright white clouds and they vary dramatically from one day to the next. That is hundreds of times more powerful than the trivial effects of CO2.
But what controls the number and density of clouds on earth? Professor Henrik Svensmark, from the Danish National Space Institute, is in Jerusalem with the astrophysicist Nir Shaviv. Together they’ve been exploring cloud variation and its effect on climate. And, strangely, they’ve found a link between clouds and exploding supernovae, far off in our galaxy.
HENRIK SVENSMARK: When we have big stars, they don’t live very long relatively, only a few million years up to 40million years but they end their life in a huge explosion which we call a supernova.
Exploding supernovae send out vast quantities of debris – tiny charged subatomic particles known as cosmic rays – travelling almost at the speed of light. And as they hit earth they develop into seeds which attract water vapour, and form clouds.
NIR SHAVIV: The really mind-boggling thing is that using geology, you can reconstruct the climate on earth over the past billion years. And you can reconstruct our galactic journey. Both tell the same story.
Climate the Movie, Part 3: The consensus, its funding and the politics of climate
January 3, 2025
THE documentary Climate: The Movie first released at the start of 2024 remains the most important contribution to the debate about the so-called climate crisis and antidote to today’s ‘alarmism era’ that is causing so much havoc with energy policy and supplies. The film is one and half hours of careful argument and evidence and requires considerable concentration! After its release we thought it would help, for readers’ reference, if we published the transcript in sections. This we did between April 2 and April 5 2024. We are repeating these over the Christmas period.
We began with the film’s preamble, the section on the scientific history of the earth and the ‘history’ of CO2, followed yesterday by the natural climate change and extreme weather sections. The third part today is about the consensus, its funding and climate bandwagon and politics of climate sections.
You can watch the full film here. The transcript follows: the sections in bold type are the commentary.
Until the late 1980s global warming was little more than an eccentric scare story put about by radical environmentalists. But then the cause was picked up by an ambitious young senator, Al Gore, who would soon be vice-president. A billion dollars a year of public money was made available for research into climate change. This quickly rose to two billion. Academic researchers in various disciplines began to apply for this climate funding.
STEVEN KOONIN: If you want to qualify for money that’s labelled climate, you take whatever it is you’re doing and add a little bit of climate speak to it, and away you go.
DICK LINDZEN: You’re dealing with the sexual habits of cockroaches, and you’ll add the impact of climate.
ROSS McKITRICK: All I have to do is add a little wrinkle to my grant application to explain how ‘well I’m worried that climate change will mean the death of all the maple trees’, and right away you qualify for funding.
Academics of every kind lined up for climate funding. Climate became an exciting new area of interest for sociologists, biologists, professors of English literature, lecturers in gender studies, and many more.
Betrayal of the Climate Movement The dirty business of the super-rich
Mass exodus from climate alliances: Investors and political players are backing out. Does this mean that all the efforts of the many people worldwide who are committed to environmental protection have been in vain? No, not suddenly. See how the climate movement was built by the biggest destroyers of the environment and installed from the start as part of a gigantic business model. Discover how upstanding environmentalists have been skillfully sidelined so that unscrupulous environmental criminals can continue their destructive work unhindered.