Children Most at Risk from Wireless Radiation - Dr. Sarah Starkey


Dr Sarah Starkey, MSc (Neuropharmacology), PhD (Neuroscience), previously neuroscience research (pharmaceutical industry), currently Independent Neuroscience and Environmental Health Research, has submitted evidence on the scientific evidence the health impact of wireless radiation has upon children.

International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) of all radiofrequency signals as a possible human carcinogen183. Indeed, PHE is withholding appropriate specialist advice by having no mention of the IARC classification of radiofrequency signals on its current website.

Interventions are needed to protect children from the harmful effects of wireless radiofrequency signals.”

Written evidence submitted by Dr Sarah Starkey (EYI0062):

Dr. Starkey was featured in Gibraltar's Gamble with 5GSection 4: PHE vs The Challengers.

Her presentation on her report "Inaccurate official assessment of radiofrequency safety by the Advisory Group on Non-ionising Radiation" is now on DGTV:


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