Of all the things in the bible ive tried to study and understand, i find genesis chapter two to be extremely difficult.
And this makes me feel a little bit like a dummy given that its only chapter 2 of book 1, of many books.
Actually, not sure i understand genesis chapter 1 fully either.
Does anyone fully understand it?
Well, obviously He who wrote it does.
Besides Him, does anyone?
And if so, would you please be so kind as to explain it?
Maybe only He can explain it?
The Lord helps me as i study and try to learn but on some matters im maybe just slow to understand.
@Georgeh I cannot help with fully understanding these chapters in Genesis, but perhaps not in the present form or in any form is one able to fully understand that which comes from Father (as Creator, He fully understands) and that our trust be sufficient. Nevertheless, it is interesting the focus on the Beginning in these End-Times. Considering Karma, Just Desserts, and Cause and Effects had me thinking that the Spiritual grade/level (the higher the better) achieved in this lifetime will be carried over to the Sabbath Millennium (for survivors that is) and how important that is right now. As we near the end of another week, I consider who/what did I help this week; how was I of service; in what ways were my actions beneficial and how/where could it have been made better? Wishing you all that is Good and Blessed for the Sabbath once again. May the Peace of The Lord brings us to where we need to be.
Yes, thank you ND.
I agree it is amazing to me how the end seems to mirror the beginning, in a sense.
For example, it appears that i believed a lie and that is why i was sent here(and did terrible things) apparently.
Now, here at the end, we cannot afford to believe any lies. Like covid.
Same snake, same lies, now as then, and most people, sadly, seem to have been deceived.
Thank you Lord for opening our eyes, and making a way for us.
I have a feeling that we will understand all of these things and more, but i would never expect to achieve a complete understanding, as you said.
The Lord is fantastically generous in providing us with knowledge, assuming our inquiry is honest and meaningful. Even things like the structure of the universe and the deepest questions science knows how to ask are within our reach, by the assistance of the Holy Spirit, or the mind of Christ. I dont know how best to describe it, but I think the Lord has left the book of knowledge so to speak, perhaps all knowledge, wide open to us.
I stand amazed.
As an example and just for fun, who built the pyramids in egypt?
Who built the Rock of Gibraltar?
Genesis 1:9 And God said, Let the waters under the heaven be gathered together unto one place, and let the dry [land] appear: and it was so.
1:10 And God called the dry [land] Earth; and the gathering together of the waters He called Seas: and God saw that [it was] good. King of kings' Bible - Genesis
Moses in Gibraltar:
18:60. Behold, Moses said to his attendant, "I will not give up (the search for enlightenment) until I reach the junction of the two seas (the Straits of Gibraltar) or (until) I spend years and years in travel."
18:61. But when they reached the Junction, they forgot (about) their Fish (symbol of man's secular knowledge), which took its course through the sea (straight) as in a tunnel.
18:62. When they had passed on (some distance), Moses said to his attendant: "Bring us our early meal; truly we have suffered much fatigue at this (stage of) our journey."
18:63. He replied: "Sawest thou (what happened) when we got to the Rock? I did indeed forget (about) the Fish (secular knowledge): only Satan made me forget to tell (you) about it: it took its course through the sea* in a marvellous way!" *(multitude of many people - Isaiah 17:13)
18:64. Moses said: "That was what we were seeking after (getting away from secular knowledge):" so they went back on their footsteps, following (the path they had come).
18:65. So they found one of Our servants, on whom We had bestowed Mercy from Ourselves and whom We had taught Knowledge from Our own Presence (Prince [St.] Michael - Idris/Enoch 50:3; Daniel 10:21).
18:66. Moses said to him: "May I follow thee, on the footing that thou teach me something of the (Higher) Truth which thou hast been taught?"
18:67. (The other) said: "Verily thou wilt not be able to have patience with me!"
18:68. "And how can thou have patience about things about which thy understanding is not complete?"
18:69. Moses said: "Thou wilt find me, if "I AM" so will, (truly) patient: nor shall I disobey thee in anything."
18:70. The other said: "If then thou wouldst follow me, ask me no questions about anything until I myself speak to thee concerning it."
In pursuing the question, i asked for guidance from the Holy Spirit, but if my conclusion is wrong, then that is my own doing. I can be misled, and have been, but i assume responsibility for that.
Are you implying that Moses is part of the answer?
Could be.
We both have our own truth meter, so to speak.
I would not mislead anyone intentionally, but i can simply be wrong.
Imagine the level of public works projects that can be undertaken with a million slaves and 400 years at your disposal.
We now know that we have been reincarnated many, many times.
So it stands to reason that you and i were likely there. Who knows, maybe i knew you then.
I think we built them.
But i could be wrong
One thought led to another: Pyramids -> Egypt -> Israelites in slavery -> Moses (Exodus) -> Gibraltar.
I don't know about that and would not quickly agree with "likely", but it is possible.
Possibly. I have had recollections of a few past lives (any current associations with anyone in this lifetime were never made), but building pyramids or anything like that in Egypt is not one of them.
I do believe (but not with actual proof or certainty) that prior friends, family and our enemies (unfortunately) follow us into lifetimes. Perhaps, to learn lessons unlearnt.
Welcome to DG forum.
Thank-you for your thoughts and sharing your experiences.
In regards to your questions above, The Lord Tells us in TWHOFTF that we are to completely kill the self. The self is the ego / personality - daily (because it is so resilient and wants to take charge - think for himself instead of listening to Father).
There is much to learn in order to become like Christ. "You must unlearn what you have learned" - Yoda.
When the self dies, the pain dies with it (spiritual and physical) - TWHOFTF.
The Lord Told me a while back to "give him no quarter".
If we are focusing on anything other than Father (by praying constantly) the self will take over with his thoughts, curiosities, and imaginings. This is one of Satan's traps.
The YODAs tell us to be an open channel through which Father can work. If we are focused on anything other than Father then it is the self that will invariably clog up the works.
Pray constantly and learn to think, speak, and act like The Lord. This is The Way (home).
Live in love,
I meditate on the Lord and the scriptures constantly. In fact i have no choice really, because i find it amazing and its like a breath of fresh air.
I try to look up instead of down(at the ugliness of the world)
You seem to suggest that i should have no thoughts of my own, no curiosity whatsoever, and absolutely no imagination.
If God wanted that, He could have just created a robot, an automoton, a creature with no free will or sentience. Instead, He created me.
Thank-you @Georgeh
I considered why the thoughts you share here have been beneficial to conversation, maybe even to introspection, but most importantly to soul growth. It is because you have shown the sincerity to learn (not teach) and that is rare without the latter (seek to teach). Too often people (with good intentions) seek to teach others a lesson and in doing so lose track of the very lesson they seek to teach. We are not to "parrot" The Lord (The One Teacher), but rather are taught to remember who we are in the scheme of things, i.e. Number 6: Knowing our true nature - that of vanquished fallen Beings of Light, imprisoned inside loathsome animals:- True Humility (updated)
So, thank-you @Georgeh for the sincerity to learn and to earnestly seek The Truth.
To think for your(self) is a basic requirement of sentience.
Thats whats wrong with the world today. Nobody knows how to think for themselves anymore, or they are afraid to. This is the fast track to hell.
Concerning curiosity. If it were not for curiosity, an intense desire to understand the world and its inner workings, i would never have arrived at the place where i believed that God even existed. Thats another huge problem with the world today. People lack basic curiosity. This is why they dont care what any of us have to say, even when we are desperately trying to save them from destruction.
Concerning imagination. Yes, vain imaginings are dangerous. But imagination is the key to problem solving. If you cannot imagine multiple solutions to a potential problem, and by thinking choose the best possible solution, then how will you be of any use when problems inevitable arise?
Not sure which sura, but the Holy Quran states that God wrote the Quran for thinking men.
So for these many reasons and more, i will continue to think for my(self), and thank the Lord above that He gave me the ability to do so.
In reference to the article titled " What Everyone Knows Intuitively but are Afraid to Say" linked above which was well-written and chock-full-of The Truth; I am thankful.
On behalf of innocence lost and the torture and murder of many, many children that continues to this day, I would like to bring attention to the part in the article about the children that relates to karma [ as follow ]:
People always ask why God allows evil things to happen to people, children especially. The answer that nobody seems to want to believe is that⦠could it be possible that God sends evil souls who previously lived an evil life back into bodies that are destined to be taught the true values of life which may result in pain, suffering, and an early death? Could it be that the victims of pedophiles may themselves have been pedophiles in a previous life? Divine Karma (Gal. 6:7)? - End of quote.
Agreed, however, it is not totally the case and to what degree it is true is unknown to me. What is known is that these hideous crimes have been going on for thousands of years. People are prone to blame God and the karma reason helps to explain this nightmare to a degree, but people need to look in the mirror and find their complicity to these horrors due to lack of reinstating and applying The Law of God as given to Moses on Mt. Sinai. Not until that is done will evil deeds be held accountable. This is not God's doing and bad things do happen to innocent people; the result of directly disobeying Father in the Garden and eating of the Tree He explicitly said not to eat. Oh, how dreadfully low mankind has fallen to the point it is hard to fathom how evil.
@Georgeh Something to consider is that The Lord has made a specific distinction between imagination and envision; with imagination coming from the devil ("self") compared to envision being closer to true inspiration. The Lord has made a similar distinction between emotions and feelings; with the former stemming from the "self" and "feelings" to be closer to expression in truth; hot-headed and irrational versus genuine expression of reality. Over 2000 + years ago The Lord demonstrated "self" Sacrifice that few will ever come close to, followed by His Gift of the bestowal of His Holy Spirit. It is this Gift from which all ought to proceed from. Let us to do this. I speak from the heart and not with any intention to teach, but to learn and to improve.
This can be further understood by studying the words, focusing on the meanings of the word "image" and "vision" and their differences in abstraction levels
Thank you ND, perhaps the word "imagination" is not the best choice for what im attempting to decribe.
And its sad to know that so few of us can achieve that level of selflessness. Maybe none of us. On the other hand, i wasnt born of a virgin. He set the bar so high i can barely see it.
I suspect that only with Him standing inside of us, by manifesting very powerfully within us, is such a thing possible.