Austria to enshrine the right to pay with cash into constitution


Nehammer proposed the amendment after the Austrian Freedom Party, which is currently surging in the polls, accused the current government of conspiring to ban cash to track its citizens. Nehammer is the leader of Austria’s conservative People’s Party, which rules in a coalition with the left-wing Green Party.

“In Austria alone, 47 billion euros are withdrawn from ATMs every year and on average every Austrian carries 102 euros in cash,” Nehammer wrote in a tweet (original in German). “That is why I… am committed to ensuring that cash is constitutionally protected as a means of payment.”

The plan would guarantee cash as a payment option and instruct the Austrian Central Bank to secure a basic supply of paper currency.

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Restaurant pleads for cash payments after forking out £265 in card charges in a month

Shambles Restaurant Cash Dungannon

A Dungannon-based restaurant has weighed into the ‘cash v card’ debate after revealing it had forked out a whopping amount in bank charges because of the latter.

The Shambles Restaurant is a family-owned restaurant at Irish Street which offers dine-in and in-store collection service.

But it has been hit in the pocket because of the number of people who have been paying by card.

The owners shared details on social media and have again added their voice to the ‘cash is king’ choir because of the ongoing losses due to contactless payments.

The Shambles Restaurant has detailed its costs and posted them in public on the premises in the hope of persuading customers to continue to carry cash.

This comes at a time when many venues are encouraging people to pay by card and say they will no longer accept cash as currency.

According to the Shambles, it should be quite the opposite, as it paid a total of £265.18 in charges to the bank over the past month as a result of taking payment via cards.

The restaurant posted: “As you can appreciate this is taken off any profit we make on our sales.

“We would therefore appreciate it if you could pay with cash as often as possible to ensure that we, as a small business, receive 100% of our income and the bank receive none!!!”

Already people are rushing to offer their support and have voiced approval for the restaurant detailing the charges to encourage people to cut the card and carry cash.

One, upon reading of the charges, wrote: “That’s a disgrace.”

And another added: “Paying with card is disrespectful!”

What are your thoughts on the subject? Do you agree with venues saying they will no longer accept cash? Which means of payment do you favour and would information such as that provided by the Shambles Restaurant make you change your ways?

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31 Jul, 2023 05:30

Russian cash circulation hits all-time record

The figure was up by more than $40 billion in July year-on-year, according to the central bank

Russian cash circulation hits all-time record

The volume of cash in circulation in Russia amounted to 17.8 trillion rubles ($198 billion) as of July 1, 2023, up by more than 9% since the beginning of the year, according to data released by the central bank last week.

The figure is $42 billion higher than the same month of 2022, and represents an all-time record since statistics became publicly available.

The central bank earlier said the “elevated demand” for cash was partly due to the additional need for paper money in Russia’s new regions, where all settlements switched to ruble banknotes from January. The Russian ruble has become the official currency of the Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics, as well as the Kherson and Zaporozhye Regions, former Ukrainian territories that voted to join Russia in referendums last year.

The central bank also cited the role of public-sector payments that people tend to withdraw partly in cash, and the needs of tourists visiting Russia.

A report by Bloomberg last month suggested that the surge in cash circulation in Russia could indicate a decrease in confidence in local banks, worsening tax compliance, and a growing share of the shadow economy. The outlet also linked the increase in cash use with payments made to the Wagner private military company, which until recently played a prominent role in the Ukraine conflict.
The share of the US dollar and euro in Russia’s settlements slumped from 90% in early 2022 to less than 50% by the end of the year, and will keep falling, Russian Deputy Minister of Economic Development Vladimir Ilyichev told RT last month. Depending on various scenarios, the Russian Finance Ministry expects the share of the greenback and euro to diminish to 10-15% by the end of the year, the deputy minister revealed.

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The US dollar might be loosing its steam

Last Updated: Apr 10, 2023
Irish news outlet Tipperary Livesuggests now is the time to ‘pause and reflect’ on decreasing cash use and availability. While for many, the absence of cash will only be an occasional problem—for example when a system error or forgotten password locks them out of cashless options—there are sizeable minorities throughout Ireland for whom cash is essential to personal autonomy.

Womens Aid highlights cases of financial abuse, where an abuser controls a household budget and income. Cash can be privately given and received. It can be hidden and gradually saved. It is the only payment option that does not rely on accounts that can be overseen and restricted by an abuser, and can be spent without leaving a digital trail.

In positive news, Ireland’s Department of Finance recommended legislation earlier this year to preserve ‘reasonable access to cash’, making it mandatory for banks to provide deposit and withdrawal services and potentially requiring certain firms or sectors to accept cash payments. Progress on the proposed framework is expected later in 2023.

In positive news, Ireland’s Department of Finance recommended legislation earlier this year to preserve ‘reasonable access to cash’, making it mandatory for banks to provide deposit and withdrawal services and potentially requiring certain firms or sectors to accept cash payments. Progress on the proposed framework is expected later in 2023.)

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Backed by gold?

SAMPLE of Potential BRICS Currency Note

A potential SAMPLE of a BRICS Currency Note, has been obtained, showing that the new BRICS Trade Organization is now deep-into, and very seriously planning for, a REPLACEMENT for the U.S. Dollar as the global Reserve currency. Above is one potential "100 BRICS" Note.

The design has NOT yet been agreed to by the BRICS nations, nor has the issuance of any actual BRICS currency been agreed to, yet.

The fact that currency design is already underway, however, shows how serious the rest of the world has become at replacing the US Dollar to avoid meddling in their affairs by the United States via "sanctions."

The image above is the front of the potential new 100 BRICS note. Below is the rear of that same potential note:


RFK Jr: Plans for ‘Cashless Society’ Are about ‘Control and Oppression’

Frank BergmanJuly 23, 2023

Democrat presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has issued a warning to the public about the global plans to abolish physical cash to create “cashless societies.”

In an interview with The New York Post, RFK Jr., the nephew of President John F. Kennedy, took a deep dive into the topic of currency and the coming “digital cash” era.

As Slay News previously reported, Democrat President Joe Biden has ordered the Federal Reserve to implement a CBDC that will replace traditional money as a “digital dollar.”

The move from Biden falls in line with the agenda of the World Economic Forum (WEF), the United Nations, the International Monetary Fund (IMF), and other globalist interests.

The WEF has been pushing the technology for some time, gloating that “digital cash” will offer a handful of powerful elites “absolute control” over the world’s populations.

Slay News recently reported on a WEF agent boasting during a globalist summit that one of the “benefits” of “digital cash” is that governments can control what citizens can and can’t pay for.

During the WEF’s recent Annual Meeting of the New Champions in Communist China, Tolani Senior Professor of Trade Policy at Cornell University Eswar Prasad gave a chilling insight into the rationale behind the globalist elite’s interest in pushing toward a cashless society.

Prasad spoke about the coming Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) and how unelected authoritarians will be able to control the public by managing the regulation of society’s spending.

According to Prasad, a top economics expert and former International Monetary Fund (IMF) official, the coming CBDC-only cashless society will be regulated to ensure that people comply with what is considered to be “desirable.”

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No Support from the UK Authorities for Cash?

Posted on: 04/09/2023

The German public won’t be either seduced or hounded into giving up their cash.

And the Deutsche Bundesbank stands shoulder-to-shoulder with the public.

Meantime, in the UK?

When did the Bank of England produce reports like the Deutsche Bundesbank about every aspect of cash?


The Bank of England instead says that it’s “not our job to promote cash”, the ONLY UK owned payment method.

Which is exactly what LINK Scheme Ltd says too.

So who is promoting cash, our UK £?

Certainly NOT HM Treasury, which now seems to rule the roost on cash, with the Bank of England side-lined.

The guy pulling the strings at HM Treasury is Captain Crypto himself - the man who told a recent Treasury Select Committee that he wanted London to be the Crypto Capital of Planet Earth - Economic Secretary Andrew Griffith MP.

Andy presided over the creation of the HM Treasury “Policy Statement” on cash access, which purported to guarantee the British public access to cash, without so much as even the faintest mention of ATMs.

“Reasonable” cash access going forward will come mostly via limited-hour post office counters and small shops offering cash back, at least for half an hour until their tills are empty.

The German public would NEVER put up with such pathetic cash access.


U.K.: The Payment Mix and Cash Usage

by Manuel A. Bautista-González, CashEssentials, August 14, 2023

Cards are the most used payment instrument in the United Kingdom, with 57% out of 40.4 billion payments in 2021 (UK Finance 2022): 2, see Graph 1 within article). Debit cards were used in 48% of payments.


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Javier Milei just DOOMED Argentina to financial collapse by rejecting BRICS and embracing the DOLLAR

Javier Milei just DOOMED Argentina to financial collapse by rejecting BRICS...


The move to a cashless society is coming faster than we imagined, customers at western banks report being told they can't take cash out of their banks. The IMF warns a banking collapse and bank runs could come with cyber attacks on financial industry.


There is a take out place up the road near where I live that has a sign inside, that says:

We are sorry!
(Atm up the street)

More people could do this if they wanted to.

Going cashless leads people to spend more money

June 12, 2024
By Study Finds

In an increasingly digital world, cash is becoming a relic of the past. With the rise of credit cards, mobile wallets, and Buy-Now-Pay-Later schemes, more and more consumers are ditching dollar bills for the convenience of cashless payments. However, this shift isn’t just about convenience – it may also be influencing how much we spend. A recent study sheds new light on the “cashless effect,” revealing that consumers tend to spend more when using digital payment methods compared to cash.

The findings, published in the Journal of Retailing, offer critical insights for retailers, policymakers, and consumers navigating our increasingly cashless society. Overall, going digital and no longer handing out physical currency leads to consumers spending more money than they would using cash. Interestingly, ditching cash isn’t great for everyone — especially service workers who rely on tips.

“Against our expectations, we found that cashless payments do not necessarily lead to greater tips or donations, in comparison to cash,” says University of Adelaide PhD Student Lachlan Schomburgk in a media release.

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