BRICS developing global reserve currency – Putin

BRICS | Is BRICS On the Verge of Destroying the U.S. Dollar with the 5R Currency System
(Duration 1:30:26)

BRICS | Is BRICS On the Verge of Destroying the U.S. Dollar with the 5R Currency System (Rand, Ruble, Rupee, Renminbi, & Rand)? The Connection Between w/ BRICS, the Great Reset, CBDCs and the Internet of Bodies?

Many topics are discussed including CBDCs, vaccines, the petro dollar, gold moving from the west to the east, BRICS as not being against globalisation but being its new face, China's 100 year war plan to defeat the USA, via its military strategy of "unrestricted warfare" since the mid-90s, and more.

Lengthy and have not watched it all yet, but interesting so far (27 minutes in).

  • He says that all organized religions are evil.
  • Predicts dollar will lose 30% value around the spring of this year.
  • Leviticus Jubilee mentioned.

Other interesting predictions.