1:02:42 min.
TWHOFTF 11:72 Religious wars are one of Satan’s favourite games. After Mohammed’s enlightenment, and the spreading of his teachings, the Devil set the Christians and the Moslems against each other, in the Crusades, in an attempt; through his use of religions (his invention); to stop people from uniting themselves, and their Books, and thereby having a chance of knowing the Truth. The Way Home
Deuteronomy 10:14 Behold, the heaven and the heaven of heavens [is] the "I AM"'s thy God, the earth [also], with all that therein [is].
US Bombing Syria to Provoke Iran: Is World War III on the Horizon?
Things are escalating much faster than we anticipated. The U.S. has just bombed multiple targets in Syria, clearly in an effort to provoke Iran into a missile response.
Meanwhile, U.S. naval forces are converging in the Middle East, obviously in preparation for a major war that risks ballooning into a world war.
Today I bring you a detailed analysis of these latest events, plus an interview with a former Soviet Union naval engineer who is now an author and geopolitical analyst. His analysis of the situation in both Ukraine and the Middle East is spot-on.
Larry Johnson Reveals: Israel Attacks Iran, The IDF HUMILIATED By Tehran's Defense System
Oct 26, 2024
yeah okay so that summarizes it um Israel fired announced with great
Fanfare ah we've launched and so you know people start scrambling to the social
media and you know there's people on rooftops and terod looking out no fires
no explosions no plumes of smoke oh they did hear explosions those were the initial reports and then they said oh
that must have been Russian air defense going off which it was Russian and Iranian air defense
um and then this other show the other video that just uh surfaced and it it
sure looks like uh these are some Iranian air launch ballistic missiles
cruise missile types uh coming in this is an another part of described I think as Eastern
Prof. Jeffrey Sachs | Endless War: Beyond All Limits
ALL WARS ARE BANKERS' WARS! by Michael Rivero https://ia801301.us.archive.org/15/items/AllWarsAreBankersWars_201601/All%20Wars%20are%20Bankers%20Wars.pdf
Trump Pressures Netanyahu: A Power Play Unfolds | Larry C. Johnson & Scott Ritter
13 hours ago