Biden resigns




Bone chilling ‘conspiracy theories’ about Biden’s sudden dropout, are coming true ...

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Has Joe Biden Passed


The Obamas and their staged endorsement for Kamala

Joe Biden is no longer acting president as of July 21 – the U.S. TREASURY controls America

On July 22, just one day after the Biden regime announced that "the big guy" is dropping out of the 2024 presidential race, President Joseph R. Biden Jr. signed an executive action reneging his executive authority and handing it over to the United States Treasury, meaning Janet Yellen and her globalist crew.

Entitled "Memorandum on the Delegation of Certain Functions and Authorities Under the Rebuilding Economic Prosperity and Opportunity for Ukrainians Act," the executive action claims "the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, including section 301 of title 3" as its bedrock.

A memo issued by Biden explains that he is "delegating to the Secretary of the Treasury the function and authorities vested in the President by sections 104(a)(1) and 104(a)(2)(A) of the Rebuilding Economic Prosperity and Opportunity for Ukrainians Act (Division F of Public Law 118-50) (the 'Act')."

The memo also specifies that Biden is handing over the reins of power for everything covered by sections 104(g), 104(i), and 105(e) of the Act.

"The delegation in this memorandum shall apply to any provisions of any future public laws that are the same or substantially the same as those provisions referenced in this memorandum," it continues.

In short, Biden – or at least his signature on paper – has authorized an immediate resignation that puts the finance masters in charge of the United States, all for the purpose of creating prosperity and opportunity for Ukrainians, not Americans.

Who's in charge of America right now?

Many have long suspected that Biden is simply a puppet whose advanced age and cognitive decline make him a perfect "Weekend at Bernie's" type of president who is simply a figurehead for the money crusaders like Yellen who actually pull the strings of power via their finance shenanigans. Now that Biden is no longer fit even for public appearances, Yellen et al. are coming right out into the open about who really controls America.

"It would appear to me at least that Israel is running the foreign controlled city-state of D.C. like they always have been," suggested "Dr. C IET 17" (@DrC_IET17) on X. "There may be some factions they don't control but it's on a collision course to be destroyed under their current direction."

This same X user further laid out a narrative where those fighting the deep state will execute their plans once a constitutional crisis emerges such as the fact that Kamala Harris cannot be president because constitutionally speaking, she is not legally eligible.

"Which then leads to Hillary or someone else," this person speculated. "I don't know how this plays out but something tells me Hillary will come into play and she will upset the left who doesn't want her – they will vote Trump or not at all – and they will try and cheat her through regardless. Then the public will demand and know it wasn't legitimate."

"In the end, the public will have to demand that the corruption stop. Anything else and the public will think Trump is trying to coup the government for himself. Just my thoughts."

In response to this, someone said that it suddenly makes sense why Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has come to the U.S. to speak to Congress and visit Donald Trump at his Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida.

"How do people not understand that nothing is okay right now?" asked another X user.

"To be fair, everything is okay right now if your faith is in Jesus and you're awake to the truth about Israel," responded another.

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Jul 23, 2024
The system scrambles for a new puppet front man

Joe Biden hasn’t been seen since last Wednesday in Las Vegas, four days after the assassination attempt on president Trump.

The signature on his memo announcing that he is dropping out of the 2024 election has been proven to be a forgery.

And according to the Artificial Intelligence voice app, ElevenLabs, the recent alleged phone call from Biden was created using the app.

But Joe Biden has been missing in action for years. By most accounts, there has been at least three fake Joe Bidens on camera since his election. We have seen images that show Joe Biden with different ear lobes, which would be impossible if it were all the same person. We have seen videos that show what appears to be a rubber mask. With a rubbery chin.


Where is Joe Biden?