Bhatti’s DEATH-CERTIFICATE Tweet Explained + How "Cases" are Used

Speaking of how T.H.E.Y. use inflated numbers to bring in their draconian measures, investigate how T.H.E.Y. use "number of cases" too. Focus has changed from deaths to cases. They test, test, test to up the numbers.

Testing positive for a virus does not create a “case” of illness.

Most carriers aren’t contagious, and most pathogens are harmless or latent unless the carrier suddenly experiences immune suppression (from something like the extreme stress of losing their job, for example, or being locked in their own homes).

Running around the country with covid-19 tests and finding more and more people who carry the virus without symptoms is not legitimate medicine. It’s a scam.

And that means testing asymptomatic people for the presence of the virus achieves nothing other than spreading irrational panic about a disease that’s no longer much of a threat to the masses. (But don’t put it past evil globalists to release a whole new strain that’s weaponized in a whole new way, as that seems to be their model for global domination and anti-human genocide.)

Health authorities will chose the course of action that makes the most money for BigPharma.

Read the article linked above on Natural News.

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