
There are people who are angry because you have exposed their manipulative games. They attempted to control you through psychological tricks and deception hoping you wouldn't notice. They tried to tarnish your reputation spreading lies to make you look like the problem but the truth is they were the ones walking in deceit and dishonesty.

They carried negative energy and hidden agendas determined to see you fail. These individuals underestimated you thinking that numbers and their evil schemes would over power you.

They believed they had the advantage but they didn't count on God's presence in your life. What they thought would ruin you has only made you stronger.

God revealed their plots, gossip and betrayal. He opened my eyes through His divine wisdom and discernment.

Their actions might have hurt but now they have to face the consequences because God is not blind to the harm they caused me/us and every negative seed they planted will bare fruit in their lives.

The reality is you didn't deserve all the slander and mistreatment

People who live without purpose always direct their energy into tiring others down, they resent light and peace you carry because it magnified their darkness. Rather than focusing on their growth, they chose to focus on your progress, calling and blessings but their distractions will be their down fall.

You on the other hand are called to rise above it all. You don't need their approval or acceptance because your identity comes from God.

It's time to move on, God has separated you from these people for a reason. You were not meant to live in chaos or toxicity, forgive them for their actions and don't feel obligated to remain connected, walk boldly to the future God has prepared for you.
He is leading you to a season of peace, purpose and restoration .
You are not defined by their opinions or false accusations, you are defined by God's grace, love and above all purpose He has placed within you.

Their schemes did not succeed because God's hand is upon your life.

Every attack they launched has been turned into a stepping stone for your growth. Your blessings are not dependent on their approval, they are from God alone , so close the door on that chapter, live them behind and trust God to lead you into a life He has promised you.

Let their bitterness be with them while you walk in joy, faith and victory .

Dear God we thank you for being our ultimate protector and defender even when others conspired against us, You stepped in and turned their schemes into a stepping stone. Lord we praise You for revesling the truth and for giving us spiritual discernment to see through the lies and deception. You have shown us who is truly for us and who meant us harm, thank You for preserving our hearts and for never letting us to be overcome by the enemies tactics.


Faith-Works. - January 18

Pray daily for Faith. It is My Gift.

It is your only requisite for the accomplishment of mighty deeds. Certainly you have to work, you have to pray, but upon Faith alone depends the answer to your prayers - your works.

I give it you in response to your prayer, because it is the necessary weapon for you to possess for the dispersion of evil - the overcoming of all adverse conditions, and the accomplishment of all good in your lives, and then you having Faith, give it back to Me. It is the envelope in which every request to Me should be placed.

And yet, "Faith without works is dead." So you need works, too, to feed your Faith in Me. As you seek to do, you feel your helplessness. You then turn to Me. In knowing Me, your faith grows - and that faith is all you need for My Power (Force) to work.

Overcomers. - January 29

Study the "Overcomeths" in the Revelation to My servant John, and you will see the tender intimacy with Me promised as a result of overcoming. To believe is not enough. To believe Me does truly involve the possession of Eternal Life, but that is a trust to use as truly as the talent of My story.

It is not only a something to be enjoyed.

Eternal life is a refreshing; reforming; enriching; uprooting; ennobling Power to be employed to the full by those to whom I entrust it.

In this My servants so often fail, and so miss the wonder of Communion with Me. Guard this Truth. YODA - JEDI Master

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I Clear The Path. - January 29

Wait on The Lord - Psalm 27:14.

I am thy Shield. Have no fear. You must know that "All is well." I will never let anyone do to you both, other than My Will for you.

I can see the future. I can read men's hearts. I know better than you what you need. Trust Me absolutely. You are not at the mercy of Fate, or buffeted about by others. You are being led in a very definite way, and others, who do not serve your purpose, are being moved out of your Path by Me.

Never fear, whatever may happen. You are both being led. Do not try to plan. I have planned. You are the builder, not the Architect.

Go very quietly, very gently. All is for the very best for you.

Trust Me for all. Your very extremity will ensure My activity for you. And having your foundation on The Rock - Christ, Faith in Him, and "being rooted and grounded in Him," and having belief in My Divinity as your Corner Stone, it is yours to build, knowing all is well.

Literally, you have to depend on Me for everything - everything. It was out of the depths that David cried unto Me, and I heard his voice. All is well.


Love to you dear sister. Keep smiling, keep striving to do what is right, above all keep the faith. :pray: :blue_heart: :yellow_heart:

From our Loving, caring brother AFreeman.

LOVE grows into something so perfect and beautiful it's beyond human comprehension.

The lyrics to the song are as follows:-

Some say, "Love. It is a river
That drowns the tender reed" Some say, "Love. It is a razor
That leaves your soul to bleed"
Some say, "Love. It is a hunger
An endless aching need"
I say, "Love. It is a flower
And you its only seed"

It's the heart afraid of breaking
That never learns to dance
It's the dream afraid of waking
That never takes the chance
It's the one who won't be taken
Who cannot seem to give
And the soul afraid of dyin'
That never learns to live

When the night has been too lonely
And the road has been too long And you think that love is only
For the lucky and the strong
Just remember in the winter
Far beneath the bitter snow
Lies the seed that with the sun's love In the spring becomes the rose
The river (waters) that drowns the tender reed (soul) are the people, rushing around and missing the beauty (truth) God sets before us (Isa. 17:12-13).

The soul afraid of dying is the immortal soul that believes the lie that it's only a mortal human, and thus never really lives (John 12:25).

The "only seed" is The Truth, i.e. The Master (Christ) inside of each of us (Psalm 22:30, John 14:20-21, Gal. 2:20), waiting to be reborn (John 3:3-7).

Winter is the 6000 year period of Satan's mis-rule, which gives way to Spring (the season of rebirth -- Dan. 12:1-2), to be followed shortly thereafter by "Summer" (the 1000 year reign of Christ here on Earth -- Matt. 24:32).

The seed, that lies dormant (asleep -- Eph. 5:14) in the dead of Winter, receives its life-giving energy from the Sun's love (Mal. 4:2), to become the rose.

The referenced verses alone cannot capture the depth of the song's message, but at least provide a glimpse of the underlying spiritual theme.


Bette Midler - The Rose

Read the post/thread at Defending-Gibraltar that contains this video: Intermission - Positive Thoughts and Reports Intermission - Positive Thoughts and Reports - #29 by Persistent To survive what is coming, read/study: https:/…

Bette Midler - The Rose

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Thank you dear ones, I really appreciate @NancyDrewberry and @Persistent

I really appreciate.

Father bless :pray:


Thank-you @Nam for this thread that you titled "Betrayal". Who amongst us has not come across betrayal at some point in their lives? Few if any. More than that, it is a topic of interest because it was betrayal that got us here in the first place. We betrayed God.

1:1 Thousands of Earth years ago, far away, in THIS galaxy, on the Morning Star (Rev. 2:28), the Lord Guardian Of Divinity, King (Malachi 1:14), Ruler and Guardian of the Universe (Sura 23:86), put down a revolution led by Lucifer (Iblis)(Rev. 12:7-9).
1:2 The Morning Star (Venus) is inhabited by immortal “Beings of Light” (Spirit/Energy), whose civilization, based on “pure” love, is zillions of years old.
1:3 Lucifer; now known here on Earth as Satan (the Opposer) the Devil (the Liar/Slanderer)(RED dragon/serpent - Rev. 12:3, 9) from which the word D/evil is derived; because of his selfish and arrogant nature, wanted to over-throw the Lord and to take His place, so that he could rule, and inflict his own selfish opinion and evil desires on the heavens. He encouraged and misled many of the other inhabitants of the Morning Star; whom people on Earth know by the name Angels; to join him and he then started a war, against God (Rev. 12:7 & Isaiah 14:13-14).

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Prior to the revolution in heaven led by Lucifer, betrayal probably did not even exist. It was not like it was contained in some dark corner of the universe, but rather it was non-existent. Those that fought against God helped to create or bring it into being. Yesterday was Groundhog Day and it reminded me of the image of a gerbil on the wheel going round and round (reincarnation) with the hope of soon to catapult off that wheel and be in a better environment and Rule. :pray:

Well said, I remember in 2023 when I was having Esther's fast asking for mercy to be forgiven of the original sin, I found myself weeping and mourning seriously remembering the pain we caused Father, TM/Holy Spirit and the Angels especially our guardian angels whom we have kept here for so long, I felt so sorry and miserable full of regret.

I was imagining with all the love They have for us, we didn't see it.... It was a tough moment I must say because a lot came to mind but you know They showed compassion as if wanted me to see and know the difference between Love and the enemy.

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Thank-you. Yes. I have had a similar experience in the past too.

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You are welcome. Thank you for sharing too, it was a sorrowful day, I felt so bad and bitter but Father's love was in front of me looking at me, Father is indeed Love.