Ban mRNA jabs now, demands top scientist

Ban mRNA jabs now, demands top scientist

THE lead author of a study that revealed serious adverse events in the original trials of the mRNA covid vaccines has called for the products to be withdrawn, citing ‘multiple new pieces of evidence’ of the harm they are causing.

American clinical scientist and physician Dr Joseph Fraiman headed a peer-reviewed analysis of the Pfizer and Moderna clinical trial data which found that the jabs increased serious harms, particularly heart damage, at a rate of one in 800 recipients. The work, which challenged the ‘safe and effective’ claims, was published in the journal Vaccine in September 2022.

Although the risks had not been disclosed to the public, Fraiman and his co-authors did not believe at the time that an immediate ban was warranted, and called instead for the release of more data by the drug companies to enable more detailed analysis.

But in a short statement, featured here last week on Dr John Campbell’s video channel, Fraiman cites a British Medical Journal article about data gathered by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) showing exactly the same serious adverse events, but not publicly disclosed.

He adds that many autopsy studies have found ‘essentially conclusive’ evidence that the vaccines are causing sudden cardiac deaths.

Because of official denial of the risks, no one knows the extent of the problem, but nations using the jabs have had significantly more people dying than would be expected from the records of past years.
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Slovak government’s investigation into the covid pandemic finds it was a “fabricated operation” and calls for ban on mRNA injections

By Rhoda Wilson on October 15, 2024

The Slovak government commissioner for investigating the management of the coronavirus pandemic, Peter Kotlár, considers mRNA injections to be dangerous and has called for a ban. He also calls the covid pandemic an “act of bioterrorism” and a “fabricated operation.”

On 2 October, after it had been submitted to the Government, Kotlár gave a press conference about his report. The key recommendations from his report include halting the use of mRNA “vaccines,” that SARS-CoV-2 was artificially created in a laboratory and deliberately spread worldwide, and ending Slovakia’s cooperation with the World Health Organisation. The report will be made public “but let’s wait first for a session of the government,” he said.

“The most serious consequence of the whole fabricated operation called the covid-19 pandemic is the endangerment of human health and the confirmation of the naivety of the world population to be subconsciously obedient,” Kotlár said.

“Let us at least make the right gesture together by stopping the administration of mRNA preparations until their effectiveness and safety have been proven,” Kotlar demanded when presenting his report. The most serious finding is that mRNA preparations alter human DNA, he claims. The vaccines have been inadequately tested and are therefore dangerous.
