Entire State wants to ban CONvid Cl0t Sh0ts as BIOLOGICAL WEAPON
The TRUTH finally coming out.. It's a WEAPON !!! ( As many of us knew BEFORE the CONvid PLANdemic even began )

Entire State wants to ban CONvid Cl0t Sh0ts as BIOLOGICAL WEAPON

Lee County, Florida, Republican Party Passes Resolution To Ban Covid-19 Vaccines
If the Lee County Republican Party has their way, the state of Florida will be banning the use of Covid-19 vaccines. Yes, you heard that correctly. Based on a majority vote, the Party has passed a so-called “Ban the jab” resolution that will now go to the desk of Florida Governor Ron DeSantis (R) for his consideration. And why does the Party want such a ban? Well, an article for WINK News by Michael Hudak and Taylor Wirtz quoted Joe Sansone, the guy who drafted the resolution, as saying, “The Lee County Republican Party is going to be on the vanguard of this campaign to stop the genocide because we have foreign non-governmental entities that are unleashing biological weapons on the American people.”

Stop the genocide? Foreign non-governmental entities unleashing biological weapons? Holy space-laser-operating-lizard-alien-living-on-a-flat-Earth-with-a-5G-transmitter. And here you thought Covid-19 vaccines were meant to protect people from getting hospitalized and dying from severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infections. Silly rabbit. Tricks are for kids.

The WINK article also included another quote from Sansone that really seemed to embrace some conspiracy theory claims: “If you got this shot, you go home and hug your pregnant wife—she can have a miscarriage through skin contact.” Wait, so now, you’ve got to start worrying about hugging people who have gotten Covid-19 vaccines? How exactly is that supposed to work scientifically? Did Sansone provide any peer-reviewed scientific studies to support his assertion? Most likely not, because good luck trying to find any peer-reviewed scientific studies to support such an assertion.

Florida Expands Ban on Vaccination, Testing and Masking Mandates
Law and the Workplace on May 26, 2023

On May 11, 2023, Governor Ron DeSantis signed into law a “medical freedom” bill (SB 252), which amends and expands the existing Florida statute Section 381.00316, prohibiting businesses from requiring their customers and patrons to provide documentation of COVID-19 vaccination status. Under the amended law, businesses in Florida will be prohibited from discriminating in any way against a person (no longer just a customer or patron) based on vaccination status and from requiring face masks and COVID-19 tests. The new law goes into effect on June 1, 2023.

Notably, certain of the prohibitions in the new law are not limited to COVID-19 vaccines or response efforts. The vaccine provisions extend to all emergency use authorization vaccines and all messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) vaccines, and the masking/face covering limitations are also broadly drafted. As such, the restrictions enumerated below will be in place and may impact businesses’ response to any future pandemic or public health emergency should it occur.

Under the amended law, no business entity in Florida (as defined further below) may:

  • Require any person to provide any documentation certifying vaccination with a COVID-19 vaccine (or any other emergency use or mRNA vaccine) or post-infection recovery from COVID-19;
  • Require a COVID-19 test to gain access to, entry upon, or service from the business operations in Florida or as a condition of contracting, hiring, promotion, or continued employment with the business entity;
  • Discharge or refuse to hire a person; deprive or attempt to deprive a person of employment opportunities; adversely affect a person’s status as an employee or as an applicant for employment; or otherwise discriminate against a person based on knowledge or belief of the person’s status relating to vaccination with COVID-19 vaccine (or any other emergency use or mRNA vaccine) or COVID-19 post-infection recovery, or a person’s failure to take a COVID-19 test;
  • Require a person to wear a face mask, a face shield, or any other facial covering that covers the mouth and nose; or
  • Deny a person access to, entry upon, service from, or admission to such entity or otherwise discriminate against a person based on such person’s refusal to wear a face mask, a face shield, or any other facial covering that covers the mouth and nose.

Continued at link...

Joseph Sansone & Karen Kingston: Covid War to Usher in Authoritarian Governance & Biorevolution

Joseph Sansone & Karen Kingston: Covid War to Usher in Authoritarian...


Australian Lawmakers Wake Up and Call for Worldwide mRNA Ban - "We F****d Up!"

6 hours ago

Australian lawmakers and officials are now coming forward in droves, admitting they were misled by Big Pharma and the global elite into enforcing some of the most coercive and draconian vaccine mandates in the world.

With the rising toll of deaths and undeniable evidence of harm, legislators are calling for an urgent inquiry and demanding the immediate suspension of mRNA vaccines globally.

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Experts Send ‘Notice of Extreme Concern’ to World Leaders Calling for Ban of Covid ‘Vaccines’

Thu 10:46 pm +00:00, 9 Jan 2025

World leaders in ten countries have received a “notice of extreme concern” from a team of experts who are calling for Covid mRNA “vaccines” to be banned from public use

The UK has become the latest country to join nine other nations in the NORTH Group.

The NORTH Group is writing to the prime ministers of their countries to express extreme concern about the safety and quality of Covid mRNA “vaccines.”|

By Frank Bergman January 9, 2025

World leaders in ten countries have received a “notice of extreme concern” from a team of experts who are calling for Covid mRNA “vaccines” to be banned from public use.

The UK has become the latest country to join nine other nations in the NORTH Group.

The NORTH Group is writing to the prime ministers of their countries to express extreme concern about the safety and quality of Covid mRNA “vaccines.”

They cite excessive levels of residual DNA found in samples from the United States, Australia, France, Germany, and Canada.

The notice is signed by several prominent experts.

The group is demanding an immediate halt to the use of mRNA vaccines and a product recall.

It is also calling for an independent and transparent investigation into their approval and use, and scientific evidence that documents no risk of damage to human DNA.

The NORTH Group is a growing coalition of experts and engaged citizens from countries throughout Northern Europe.

It aims to raise awareness about the potential harms posed by mRNA injections.

One of its initiatives is a “notice of extreme concern” being sent to the heads of government in countries that have joined the coalition.

This notice was sent to ten European leaders.

The “notice of extreme concern” was signed by multiple medical professionals from various fields.
