Aviation trial: Wildcat helicopter sticks the landing on RFA Argus in HM Naval Base

On Friday afternoon, while our cameraman Darren Durante was filming RFA Tidesurge, he spotted a helicopter in the Bay of Gibraltar.


The Wildcat is the latest generation of multi-role helicopter. It was procured to operate from the frigates and destroyers of the Royal Navy.

As a ship-borne helicopter, the Navy says the Wildcat provides commanders with the flexibility to be deployed to tackle a range of threats at sea and from the sea.

This afternoon's trial showed the precision with which the maritime attack helicopter is flown.

It approached a second RFA vessel in port, the Argus, from the starboard side.

The Wildcat then gently touched down on the 175m long vessel, which was berthed at the Naval Base.

An impressive sight, captured perfectly by Darren.