Australia – Dan Andrews Resigns

After nearly a decade of his reign as Victorian Premier, Dan Andrews has stepped down from office, leaving behind a trail of destruction that he stain his name in the history books forever.

Andrews’s long stint of almost nine years was met with considerable opposition regarding crucial policy issues, from Victoria’s strategy in combating the ‘pandemic’, to many allegations of corruption.

As a politician, Andrews cherished control over nearly all else — control over his party, the machinery of government, the media, and the issues. All that mattered was power, beyond the interests of all else.

One of the last representatives of the COVID-19 lockdown dystopia era, and indeed the international face of tyrannical restrictions, Dan’s legacy will indeed never be forgotten.

Victorians gather to celebrate resignation of Dan Andrews

Crowds gathered on the steps of Victorian parliament to celebrate Daniel Andrews’ resignation as Premier of Victoria.

He will leave a divisive legacy for many reasons, but many are left wondering just how Victoria will ever recover, and if his replacements aren’t just more actors cut from the same cloth.

Either way, there was certainly no fond farewell for the departing Premier from those who packed the parliament’s steps, and Dan might go down as the most notorious politician in the state’s history.

Dan Andrews was featured in GM's - "Gibraltar's Interest in China's BRI Might NOT Be in the best Interest of Gibraltar - concerning his "confidential agreements" - MOUs - with China: