Just hours before now-former United Kingdom Prime Minister Boris Johnson resigned from his post on July 7, the British government quietly and strategically dropped a major bombshell confirming that Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccines” are not saving lives.
Since at least April of this year, the “fully vaccinated” population of England accounts for the vast majority of deaths that are being blamed on “covid” – this in terms of deaths per 100,000 people, which is how the data is presented.
While the unvaccinated are mostly doing just fine, going about their lives with normal health, those who took all the jabs in obedience to Johnson’s regime are dropping like flies, probably due to vaccine-associated enhanced disease (VAED) and antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE).
As you may recall, the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) announced back in March that starting on April Fool’s Day, it would no longer be publishing the vaccination status of covid cases, hospitalizations, or deaths. Now we know why they did this. (Related: the UKHSA also deleted a study from its official reporting that linked covid injections to increased risk of infection.)
“At the time, the UKHSA claimed this was because the UK Government had ended free universal Covid-19 testing and this, therefore, affected their ‘ability to robustly monitor Covid-19 cases by vaccination status,’” reports Exposé News.
“However, this was a lie.”
Fauci Flu shots increase a person’s risk of death from “covid,” data shows
As the UKHSA was fudging the numbers and changing its reporting standards, the Office for National Statistics (ONS), another British government agency, published a report of its own outlining deaths by vaccination status in England. That report showed that England’s vaccinated population accounted for a whopping 94 percent of deaths between April 1 and May 31.
Once again, it becomes abundantly clear why the UKHSA changed its reporting requirements starting on April 1: because the data shows, without a shadow of a doubt, that covid injections are killing people, not protecting them.
Continued at the link.