Christ IS The Solution, not blind men.
Seek and ye SHALL Find.
The problem is nobody is seeking which is why humanity is in such a mess.
Andrew Bridgen: Crimes against humanity have been committed worldwide, particularly in the Five Eyes countries
By Rhoda Wilson on January 20, 2025
The top of UK institutions are completely rotten, Andrew Bridgen said on a Resistance GB podcast last week. The best investment for globalists, he said, is in the civil service, because “they’re just there,” appointed, not elected, and for as long as they choose to be – a permanent bureaucracy.
In a wide-ranging discussion, he concluded that we’re not in the politics of right and left anymore but rather right and wrong, more accurately good and evil, with horrendous crimes against humanity being committed worldwide.
Dominic Cummings: is AI already in control?
This conversation was held at New College, Oxford, and live streamed on their channel @NewCollegeOxford. For more information on their events, visit Dominic Cummings joins Professor Shivaji Sondhi to discuss the age of AI, and how it affects the world around us. How is Labour dealing with the opportunities and challenges that arise from AI? And how have governments previous planned for the way in which it could affect our world?
Dominic Cummings- is AI already in contro
Crimes Against Humanity and Covid Pandemic Response
“Cummings will know everything, Bridgen said. “I think probably feels that he could be called up to answer for what he knows.”
Brigen mentioned some of Cummings’ Twitter posts which hinted at knowing about the euthanasia of the elderly and vulnerable in care homes and nursing homes using midazolam and morphine in 2020 and threatened to blow the whistle if targeted.
“here he’s a very cryptic Twitter message that [Cumings] put out a couple of years ago which more or less says that ‘if you come after me, I’m going to blow the whistle’,” Bridgen said. “He should blow the whistle.”
Crimes against humanity have been committed worldwide, particularly in the Five Eyes Nations and Europe, over the last four years, and a clear-out and accountability are necessary to move forward, Bridgen explained.
The US Congress’ Oversight Committee report, a two-year investigation into lessons learned from the covid pandemic, concluded that everything done was wrong, with no scientific evidence supporting masking, social distancing or lockdowns.
The report found that there was no scientific evidence that face masks prevented anyone from catching anything, “[masking] increases your CO2 intake.” Bridgen said. “The holes in the masks are 800 times larger than the virus,” making them ineffective.
Lockdowns had devastating effects, particularly on young people, with a 51% increase in suicides among American girls aged 12-17, and a million people under 25 in the UK waiting for mental health support.
Resistance GB: Corruption, Chinese Spies & Grooming Gangs I Resistance Podcast #37 with Andrew Bridgen, 16 January 2025 (92 mins)
Elon has roots in UK and could be Prime Minister now.