Agaden demands the Protection of the Sobrevela Dune System in La Línea

They ask to mark the area with informative posters and to extend the fencing to the entire dune space.

Agaden Ecologists in Action warns that the dune system in La Línea de la Concepción is in imminent danger due to persistent threats including motorbike traffic, quad biking and uncontrolled recreational activities.

The discovery of the Campanulaceae Jasione corymbosa, a species previously considered extinct on the peninsula, underscores the urgency of protecting this critical habitat. In addition, the presence of pairs of Kentish plover adds an extra layer of importance to this unique area.

Environmentalists urgently urge the Territorial Delegation in Cadiz to mark the area with informative posters that warn about the protection of the space and discourage uncontrolled access, as well as to extend the fencing to the entire dune space of Sobrevela beach, thus guaranteeing its development and evolution.

In addition, they have addressed the Delegation of the Environment in Cadiz to assume its responsibility in the preservation of this valuable ecosystem. Urgent and effective collaboration between the administrations (City Council and Delegation) is essential to ensure the long-term survival of the Dune Oversail System.


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