5G Launches In Wuhan Weeks Before Coronavirus Outbreak

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5G causes flu-like symptoms. 5G Launches In Wuhan Weeks Before Launch of ‘A Con Or’ Virus

Fri 7:56 am +00:00, 31 Jan 2020

posted by Tapestry


5G Launches In Wuhan Weeks Before Coronavirus Outbreak

In this Infowars Special Report, Greg Reese connects the dots between the Wuhan coronavirus outbreak, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, a Netflix docuseries pitching vaccines as a solution to outbreaks, Wuhan’s recent launch of 5G and warnings from experts who say 5G could cause “flu-like symptoms.”


5G Launches In Wuhan Weeks Before Coronavirus Outbreak

In this Infowars Special Report, Greg Reese connects the dots between the Wuhan coronavirus outbreak, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, a Netflix docuseries pitching vaccines as a solution to outbreaks, Wuhan’s recent launch of 5G and warnings from experts who say 5G could cause “flu-like symptoms.”

Watch as Reese tries to share a link on Facebook of the Chinese government website announcing the launch of 5G and is blocked by a notice claiming the post “goes against Community Standards.”

TAP – Mike Adams of www.naturalnews.com is buying into the statistics being released by the WHO which is claiming a ten times increase in infections per week, and two hundred deaths. The panic will convince millions to rush and be vaccinated/treated. In China they are injecting people who visit hospitals by the thousand. Who at this stage knows what it is that’s causing deaths. All we know is that well known depopulation billionaires are behind this event. www.naturalnews.com

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The Faux Pandemic Revealed: ‘Once Upon A Time in Wuhan…’

July 27, 2021 By NEWS WIRE (The Faux Pandemic Revealed: 'Once Upon A Time in Wuhan...' - 21st Century Wire)

Still, few dare to ask the fundamental question of how public health officials determined there was a ‘novel’ coronavirus so quickly, or how the RT-PCR test was suddenly declared a diagnostic test, or where the original “genomic sequence” came from? As it turns out, all of the primary official claims made about SARSCov2 and the ability to detect it… are false. And yet, these false assumptions have all been decreed as ‘settled science.’ The rest is history.

Dr Sam Bailey takes you back to December 2019 to highlight some of the key concepts that have been used to fuel the so-called ‘global pandemic’. Watch:

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  1. Dr David Martin’s deposition: FULL INTERVIEW: There is No Variant - Not Novel - No Pandemic. Dr David Martin with Reiner Fuellmich
  2. Clinical features of patients infected with 2019 novel coronavirus in Wuhan, China: Clinical features of patients infected with 2019 novel coronavirus in Wuhan, China
  3. Pollution comparisons: Pollution Comparison Between Zurich, Switzerland And Wuhan, China
  4. Pneumonia Incidence and Mortality in Mainland China: Systematic Review of Chinese and English Literature, 1985–2008: Pneumonia Incidence and Mortality in Mainland China: Systematic Review of Chinese and English Literature, 1985–2008
  5. Notes from the Field: A Novel Coronavirus Genome Identified in a Cluster of Pneumonia Cases — Wuhan, China 2019−2020: A Novel Coronavirus Genome Identified in a Cluster of Pneumonia Cases — Wuhan, China 2019−2020
  6. Detection of 2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) by real-time RT-PCR: Eurosurveillance | Detection of 2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) by real-time RT-PCR
  7. Minimum Information for Publication of Quantitative Real-Time PCR Experiments: https://www.gene-quantification.de/miqe-bustin-et-al-clin-chem-2009.pdf
  8. Dr Kelvin Watson’s PCR claim via OIA request: https://fyi.org.nz/request/14341/response/54651/attach/4/H202100581%20Virginia%20Crawford%20Response%20letter.pdf
  9. NZ Ministry of Health unable to provide evidence of their PCR claims: "Clinical" sensitivity and specificity for the detection of SARS-CoV-2. - a Official Information Act request to Ministry of Health - FYI
  10. How much RNA does a typical mammalian cell contain?: How much RNA does a typical mammalian cell contain? - QIAGEN
  11. OffGuardian – PCR Inventor: “It doesn’t tell you that you are sick”: PCR Inventor: “It doesn’t tell you that you are sick” – OffGuardian
  12. Identification of Coronavirus Isolated from a Patient in Korea with COVID-19: Identification of Coronavirus Isolated from a Patient in Korea with COVID-19
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