5G towers are up in large numbers in the city nearest to where I live. Not sure how long they have been there. Visited that city area about 2 months ago and do not recall seeing them then, however, at the time I was not looking for them. They are hideous looking. They have installed them between buildings instead of standing alone and isolated. They can be seen from the highway, but are not exactly on the highway. I should have taken pictures, but was in a moving vehicle. They all looked like the one in the linked article but with many more of those units on the poles. No-one seems to notice them. When I talk to people about them, I get blank stares.
P.S. Would like to add in writing a thought not included in my prior post: and that thought is that this forum is awesome. I am most thankful for it and wish to thank all of the contributors because it really is hard to find the Truth out there in the way it is found here. Thank-You!!!
Also, the 5G towers remind me of the Invasion of the Body Snatchers (movie). In the movie there were garbage trucks all around in plain site removing the human debris, but no-one noticed. It was incorporated into everyday life in plain site and yet very far from “normal”.
You’re welcome. Thank-you for your comment.