Dr. David Martin Exposes Three Unspeakable Facts about COVID-19

Dr. David Martin Exposes Three Unspeakable Facts about COVID-19



Dear @GibMessenger ,thank-You.
for this must see video exposing facts about covid-19 by Dr. David Martin.

Taken from the video description:
Don’t let the light-hearted humor at the start of this video deceive you. This message from Doctor David Martin and his wife, Kim, quickly becomes as serious as it gets, because it reveals three unspeakable facts about the alleged Coronavirus pandemic: (1) The official story is a lie, (2) the percentage of normal false-positive errors in the tests is higher than the percentage of confirmed positive tests from humans – which means most if not all of the reported human positive tests could be false), and (3) early results from covid-19 vaccine trials show 60% of those injected have adverse reactions – compared to less than 8% with adverse reactions from the infection the vaccines are supposed to protect against. In other words, the treatment is far worse than the disease. The unspeakable conclusion is this: A few people are set to become obscenely wealthy by causing tens of millions to become ill, to be neurologically injured, and to die prematurely. [Dr. Martin will be presenting in-person at the Red Pill Expo at Jekyll Island, Georgia on October 10-11. Live stream is available for those who cannot attend. Click on link for more information: RedPillExpo.org.] –GEG

You're welcome.