Worshipping false gods/goddesses is Against The Law

TWHOFTF 8:26 Christ explained everything; about where he (and you) came from; and what you each have to do, to go home. He explained that he was the soul, inside the “son of Mary”, and that he was zillions of years old, when the body, that he was using, was less than 50 years old (John 1:15 & 8:57-58 / King of kings’ Bible, John 8:48-49 & 17:24). He also explained that Mary was NOT his mother, and that her body, only made the body, that he was using (John 6:42 & Matt. 12:47-50; 22:45 & Mark 3:31-35 & Luke 8:19-21), but that she did NOT make him.

9:1 After Jesus had ascended (Acts 1:9) into a “cloud” (cloud? - spaceship - Matt. 17:5); and his soul/spirit-being (Christ) had been released from the “son of Mary”, and had become his REAL self again, i.e. Prince Michael, and had gone home to the Morning Star; and the disciples had written the New Testament; Satan had to work fast, to find a way to undo all the good work.
9:2 Satan, therefore, decided to use his most successful weapon, i.e. religions, and had to find a way to turn the teachings into yet another organized-religion. The devil succeeded, and called it Christianity, even after all that Jesus went through, to show that organized-religions are wrong, and that they belong to the devil, NOT God or Christ. https://thewayhomeorfacethefire.net

11:55 Catholic churches are full of idols, and graven-images, teaching the breaking of the
COMMANDMENTS:- You shall NOT make a graven-image, of ANYTHING in heaven or on
Earth, or under the sea. You shall not worship idols and graven-images.
11:56 They also have statues of Mary’s body, and BLASPHEME, by saying that she is “the holy mother of God”. Christ himself, said that Mary was NOT his mother (Matt. 12:47-50 & Mark 3:31-35 & Luke 8:19-21). Mary was no-one special (Luke 11:27-28), except that she was a good mother, and had good qualities, that God wanted Jesus to learn, to help prepare him for His work.
11:57 The Roman Catholics also bow down to graven-images of the “son of Mary”, which was only a human-animal that I used, and was NOT me, and worship it as God. Jesus himself said that people MUST NOT worship him, but JUST worship ONLY GOD (Matt. 19:16-17 & Mark 10:17-18).
How can you all be so dis-obedient, and stupid, when you are ALL under the death-sentence, and your time is running-out (John 3:18 & 5:24)? The Way Home