Where's the meat?

Cholesterol and unhealthy animal fats myth is debunked by Ketogenic diet. I read somewhere that livestock is really not a issue because methane stays in the atmosphere for a small time(10-20 years)
Eric Berg got 0 CAC score. I heard fats are bad myth was spread by Ancel Keys, in his research he excluded countries who were healthy while consuming many fats.

Dr.Berg's Reaction on his CT Calcium Scoring Test Result



Michael Greger looks old for his age(does vegan diet really have long-term benefits?)


Many on Ketogenic diet say they feel energetic, in good mood, etc.(do the ones in power want to keep us in bad mood, low brain capability?)

I hope you understand :slight_smile:

Also I am raised in vegetarian family, and even then many developed diseases.(does it really have health benefits?)

Currently I am eating vegetarian, is it alright or not? Will it be counteracted by spiritual health? My family is strict vegetarian.