Toxic Jabs – Scientific Evidence The Spike Protein is The Toxin

Bridle and others are being targeted for not walking/talking the party line. Fortunately, they were given a voice in the Canadian Parliament.

PM Derek Sloan arranged the press conference, and invited Dr. Bryan Bridle, Dr. Patrick Phillips, and Dr. Donald Welsh to give short presentations on how good doctors and scientists are being censored in Canada, and being harassed and threatened for speaking the truth, which is not getting out to the masses.

EuropeReloaded has highlighted some of their points, such as

• Many of the sick people in hospitals have been vaccinated.

• Informed consent is not being sought when vaccines are being administered.

• The link between the vaccines and heart inflammation is well established by Pfizer and through other sources. The scientific literature has exploded in the last 16 months. Traditional notions about vaccines, where they stay in the deltoid muscle and are picked up from there by the lymph node system, don’t apply. mRNA is distributed throughout the body. Only 25% remains in the deltoid muscle.

• In April, The College of Physicians of Ontario issued a statement whereby doctors can’t communicate statements critical of the government’s covid policy (vaccines, masks, distancing, alternative treatments, etc.) REGARDLESS OF WHAT THE EVIDENCE SAYS.

Read more at link. It includes a video of their addresses.