This is a quick 15 minute analysis. I might look into this more detailed in the future.
I'm not writing this message because I'm pro Israel, or for the glory of myself and wanting to be right, I'm just analyzing this persons analysis with the help of what I've learned about computers and graphics over the years.
As for my merits for giving such an analysis: my background is such that I've been very actively using computers and trying out new technologies since the early 90s. I can give more detailed information on just how actively and why (since finding TWH in 2001).
Even though Max Egan seems like a knowledgeable conspiracy guru I don't respect his expertise and reasoning ability. Once he had some kind of mental breakdown or something (pipedreams?) and became a flart earther for a day or two.
Found this on Guertin. (which in my mind doesn't quite help...-)
I quickly looked through this and am not impressed since most of these anomalies are obviously compression artifacts and posibly the rolling shutter effect from some digital cameraes. The fact that he doesn't appear to mention these at all and claims AI-video is a big red flag to me.