The New (World Order) Jews

It has been announced that Kristi Noem has been selected to be the Homeland Security Secretary in the Trump administration. She rose in popularity when in her home State of South Dakota she refused to allow the mandate for face-masking; but, what has been less reported is her allowing mandates for the CV jab from the business sector. Kristi Noem, Gov. of South Dakota, presented a nice sounding argument (that was not so nice) about why she allowed businesses to mandate the covid-jab if they wanted to. Like so many politicians, she is out of touch with the rights of employees by respecting the rights of the employer over the rights of the employee; thus they are wrong. We have a tyrannical federal gov't and if she allowed businesses to behave as tyrants then she is not addressing the issue at hand. Perhaps, she, and others like her, need to be forced to resign or get fired over mandates to see what that feels like. Kristi Noem is not a voice for all the people.