The (Blue) Bird is Freed ?

But, let's not forget his roots and who controls him. He wears shirts that say "Occupy Mars".

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“No”: Elon Musk Denies Request to Bring Alex Jones Back to Twitter – Exclusive Jones Response HERE

Twitter’s new owner, Elon Musk, has publicly & swiftly denied a request to have radio host Alex Jones return to the social media platform.

On Friday, Musk fielded an open-ended question to his followers by asking “What should Twitter do next?”

“Bring back Alex Jones!!!!” Said a user named “@HardcoreNolley”

“No,” Musk replied almost immediately.

Musk’s apparent ultimatum against Jones comes shortly after a Friday statement about how he plans to conduct the reach of users based on their content.

“New Twitter policy is freedom of speech, but not freedom of reach. Negative/hate tweets will be max deboosted & demonetized, so no ads or other revenue to Twitter. You won’t find the tweet unless you specifically seek it out, which is no different from rest of Internet.”

Elon Musk Says World Must Know Truth About What Twitter Was Doing: 'The More I Learn, the Worse It Gets'

Twitter CEO Elon Musk said in a pre-Thanksgiving tweet that problems at Twitter — presumably censorship and bias, and certainly a lack of transparency regarding its actions and algorithms — were worse than he knew.

“The more I learn, the worse it gets,” he tweeted Wednesday evening.

Earlier that day, Musk had tweeted a poll asking whether suspended accounts should be re-activated under a “general amnesty,” with reasonable carve-outs for illegal activity and “egregious spam.”

That poll, while obviously unscientific, garnered over 3 million responses, with those in favor of such an amnesty outnumbering those opposed by nearly three-to-one.

One presumes that Musk isn’t going to make every leadership decision by unscientific polling, but in this case he said that he would abide by the “voice of the people.”

One of the replies to the original poll, however, suggested that in addition to amnesty, consistency, transparency and objectivity should be key in whatever decision Twitter ultimately made.

“[W]ell whatever it decides to do, twitter should be clear and consistent about it’s rules and penalties for breaking them, enforcement should be unbiased, and the mechanisms of enforcement shouldn’t be easily abused by people who have an agenda,” read the tweet from the account of Shibetoshi Nakamoto, the individual — or rather, the presumed pseudonym of the individual — believed to have developed bitcoin.

Again, Musk seemed responsive to the suggestion.

That would presumably be good news for anyone. Even those who believe that former President Donald Trump — to take just one example — should have been suspended from Twitter should be interested in knowing the precise reasoning behind that decision and the policies Trump was said to have broken that justified that decision, if only so that other Twitter users can learn from the incident and not repeat the same violations, right?

(Incidentally, Twitter did reinstate Trump’s account on Saturday, and, as I had predicted earlier that day, Trump doesn’t seem to care.)

Musk, however, seemed to indicate that one side of the political debate was likely to appreciate the transparency more than the other.

Conservatives, of course, have claimed left-leaning bias at the social media giant for years. Without the underlying data to back up those claims, however, it was difficult to prove. (Research by The Western Journal into similar censorship at Facebook found a decidedly leftist bias, although Facebook corrected some of that following publication of that data.)

Regardless of where Musk stands on politics, his apparent commitment to transparency should help uncover the truth of those claims, which should only be a good thing for American democracy.

Not everyone, however, wants what’s good for American democracy.

I’m far from a conspiracy theorist, and there’s no credible evidence that Andrew Breitbart died of anything but complications from the hypertrophic cardiomyopathy with which he had been diagnosed a year or so prior to his untimely demise.

But this still sounds like reasonable advice to me.

Antifa extremists stage plans to burn down Tesla outlets following Twitter bans

'As revenge for [Elon Musk] suspending violent extremist accounts on Twitter, [Antifa] in Portland are organizing arson attacks on [Tesla] locations tonight,' reported Ngo, who provided screenshots of the calls to action.

Following his takeover of Twitter, “Chief Twit” Elon Musk has quickly begun to address many of the platform’s problems. Musk, who intends for Twitter to be a platform for legal free speech, has moved to crack down on terrorists and violent far-left extremists who have for many years been a fixture on Twitter and used it to organize riots.

Now Tesla, which Musk owns, has become the target of violent retaliation by far-left militants angered by the suspension of their accounts.

This week, Musk moved to ban a pro-Palestinian “resistance” group called “Jisr Collective,” which promoted and celebrated terrorist acts against Israeli civilians.

In a separate thread, Musk called for members of the public to report violations of the site’s terms of service against child sexual exploitation and far-left extremist violence.

Numerous self-identified Antifa militants including several prominent organizers have been banned for calling for violence against Chaya Raichik, who operates the popular “Libs of TikTok” account, and Daily Wire host Matt Walsh.

“Incitement to violence will result in account suspension,” said Musk in response to journalist Andy Ngo, who explained that a large number of Antifa accounts operate on the website to promote riots and provide tips to each other on how to identify targets and commit violence.

Ngo detailed how following his reporting on members of the loosely-knit far-left militant organization, he was chased down and beaten up, forcing him to seek refuge at a Portland hotel in 2021.

“Antifa used Twitter to direct comrades to swarm me after I ran into a hotel following a violent street beating,” wrote Ngo.

“That is a disturbing story and very concerning that Twitter took no action, despite clear violation of ToS. Report in this thread for now,” replied Musk, prompting numerous users to provide him with clear examples of militants in violation of the site’s rules against threats and intimidation.

Many of the users reported on the thread were banned several hours after being reported to Musk, suggesting that he took direct action to shut down their accounts.

Hours after the bans, Antifa militants took to the social media platform to organize arson attacks on Tesla locations around the United States, posting the addresses of Tesla service centers and dealerships.

“As revenge for [Elon Musk] suspending violent extremist accounts on Twitter, [Antifa] in Portland are organizing arson attacks on [Tesla] locations tonight,” reported Ngo, who provided screenshots of the calls to action.

“This is just a drop in the ocean of years of violent organizing on Twitter,” he added.

Might this all be headed towards an alternative phone by Elon Musk? Linked to Starlink?

Washington Post reporter Taylor Lorenz has been among many calling for Twitter to be removed from App stores, writing in a recent column that Musk restoring previously banned accounts would harm "marginalized communities."

Musk has previously stated on Twitter that he would make a phone if there "is no other choice."

If Apple and Google were to remove Twitter from their app stores, Musk responded to a post asking him to make a phone, saying, "I certainly hope it does not come to that, but, yes, if there is no other choice, I will make an alternative phone."

BREAKING: Elon Musk says Apple is threatening to pull Twitter from App Store

"Apple has mostly stopped advertising on Twitter. Do they hate free speech in America?" Musk asked, questioning in a follow-up tweet, "What’s going on here [Tim Cook]?"

On Monday, Twitter owner Elon Musk revealed that Apple has "threatened to withhold Twitter from its App Store, but won’t tell us why."

Earlier this week, an activist Washington Post journalist demanded that Apple and Google pull Twitter from their app stores, claiming that the LGBTQ community and other "marginalized communities" stand to suffer the most harm from his free speech plans for the platform.

Musk issued a number of posts on Monday calling out the tech giant, questioning why "they hate free speech in America."

"Apple has mostly stopped advertising on Twitter. Do they hate free speech in America?" Musk asked, questioning in a follow-up tweet, "What’s going on here [Tim Cook]?"

The Monday afternoon was the first of a multitude put out by the Tesla and SpaceX CEO regarding Apple and censorship.

Following that tweet, Musk retweeted the blockchain-based file sharing and payment network LBRY, who wrote, "During Covid, Apple demanded our apps filter some search terms from being returned. If we did not filter the terms, our apps would not be allowed in the store. Apple may make good products, but they have been opposed to free speech for some time."

"Who else has Apple censored?" Musk wrote.

"Is this really a fight we want to pick. An awful lot of your Tesla customers use iOS to access their cars. If that app gets pulled, it’ll significantly impact your ability to sell to Apple customers. Cards are way less convenient than BT entry," one Twitter user replied.

"Are you suggesting Apple would use its duopolist powers to hurt Tesla?" Musk questioned.

Musk also retweeted a video created by Epic Games, the game studio behind Fortnight, which parodied George Orwell’s novel 1984, calling out Apple.

"Epic Games has defied the App Store Monopoly. In retaliation, Apple is blocking Fortnite from a billion devices. Join the fight to stop 2020 from becoming '1984,'" the video read. The campaign, #FreeFortnite, was launched in 2020 after Epic Games released a direct payment system in their game, violating Apple’s terms of services. The app was subsequently removed from the App Store.

Musk then posted a poll to Twitter, stating, "Apple should publish all censorship actions it has taken that affect its customers.

Musk noted that Apple "puts a secret 30 percent tax on everything you buy through their App Store," and subsequently tweeted a meme stating that he would "go to war" instead of paying this developer tax.

Washington Post reporter Taylor Lorenz has been among many calling for Twitter to be removed from App stores, writing in a recent column that Musk restoring previously banned accounts would harm "marginalized communities."

Musk has previously stated on Twitter that he would make a phone if there "is no other choice."

If Apple and Google were to remove Twitter from their app stores, Musk responded to a post asking him to make a phone, saying, "I certainly hope it does not come to that, but, yes, if there is no other choice, I will make an alternative phone."

The row with Apple comes as the tech giant restricted the usage of AirDrop capabilities on devices in China, a feature that had helped anti-government protestors organize. Instead of allowing open communication between local Apple devices, Chinese users now have a 10-minute limit on accepting AirDrops from everyone.

Tesla logo has similarities to Baphomet image:

Twitter has stopped enforcing its COVID-19 Misinformation Policy as of November 23rd.

This policy was used to silence people across the world who questioned the media narrative surrounding the virus and treatment options.

A win for free speech and medical freedom!


Twitter fact checks White House tweets.

With Twitter under new ownership, it looks like progressives and Democrats could be finally receiving a taste of their own medicine.

The official Biden White House Twitter account was slapped with an embarrassing “fact check” style platform disclaimer following a Monday tweet.

The White House bragged about reduced unemployment claims since President Joe Biden took office, pointing out that they had declined from 18.8 million to 1.4 million over the course of his presidency.

The tweet made no reference to unemployment stemming from coronavirus, and the “Community Note” that was inserted made that important distinction.

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Musk Drops Part Two Of ‘Twitter Files’ Revealing ‘Secret Blacklists’

The second part of Elon Musk’s “Twitter Files” was released on Thursday night and exposes the social media platform’s practices of secretly “blacklisting” certain tweets and users.

“A new #TwitterFiles investigation reveals that teams of Twitter employees build blacklists, prevent disfavored tweets from trending, and actively limit the visibility of entire accounts or even trending topics—all in secret, without informing users,” journalist Bari Weiss began her thread on Thursday. She was sharing the information.

“Twitter once had a mission ‘to give everyone the power to create and share ideas and information instantly, without barriers.’ Along the way, barriers nevertheless were erected,” Weiss wrote. She pointed to Stanford University’s Dr. Jay Bhattacharya, a longstanding opponent of COVID groupthink during the pandemic expressing opposition to lockdowns.

“Twitter secretly placed him on a ‘Trends Blacklist,’ which prevented his tweets from trending,” Weiss reported.

Weiss highlighted that Fox News host Dan Bongino was placed on a “Search Blacklist” and had Turning Point USA’s Charlie Kirk on “Do Not Amplify.”

“A new #TwitterFiles investigation reveals that teams of Twitter employees build blacklists, prevent disfavored tweets from trending, and actively limit the visibility of entire accounts or even trending topics—all in secret, without informing users,” she wrote.

“This secret group included Head of Legal, Policy, and Trust (Vijaya Gadde), the Global Head of Trust & Safety (Yoel Roth), subsequent CEOs Jack Dorsey and Parag Agrawal, and others. This is where the biggest, most politically sensitive decisions got made. Think high follower account, controversial, another Twitter employee told us. For these there would be no ticket or anything. One of the accounts that rose to this level of scrutiny was @libsoftiktok —an account that was on the “Trends Blacklist” and was designated as Do Not Take Action on User Without Consulting With SIP-PES,” she wrote.

Musk revealed on Tuesday that Twitter’s former Deputy General Counsel James Baker was “exited” from the company after revelations about his alleged role in the platform’s handling of the Hunter Biden laptop story.

Over the weekend, journalist Matt Taibbi published internal communications from Twitter’s top brass in October 2020 about how to combat the New York Post’s publication of materials about Hunter Biden’s laptop.

“In light of concerns about Baker’s possible role in suppression of information important to the public dialogue, he was exited from Twitter today,” Musk tweeted in response to Taibbi, who shared a story from famed legal scholar Jonathan Turley.

Twitter’s internal communications at the time show that Baker was involved in discussions about whether the laptop falls under Twitter’s “hacked materials” policy.

“I support the conclusion that we need more facts to assess whether the materials were hacked,” Baker wrote in one email chain. “At this stage, however, it’s reasonable for us to assume that they may have been and that caution is warranted.”

Here’s more on Baker’s background, as noted by Fox Business:

Before joining Twitter, Baker also worked as general counsel at the FBI, where he was a key figure in the bureau’s investigation into alleged Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election.

Attorney Michael Sussmann met with Baker in 2016 and presented “purported data and ‘white papers’ that allegedly demonstrated a covert communicates channel” between the Trump Organization and Alfa Bank, which is based in Russia. Sussmann was accused of telling Baker that he was not doing work “for any client” but later billing the Hillary Clinton campaign for the work. Sussmann was acquitted earlier this year on one count of making a false statement to the FBI.

Baker was also personally involved in the FISA warrant application to surveil Carter Page, who was working as an aide to former President Donald Trump’s 2016 campaign. The application relied heavily on the discredited “Trump dossier.” Baker later admitted that his role in the Page FISA application was unusual.

Musk made headlines recently when he revealed that he won’t “ever again” sign autographs in public because of threats to his life. During a live session on the social media website, Musk was discussing the “Twitter Files” and made a concerning admission that he was concerned about his safety.

“Frankly the risk of something bad happening or literally even being shot is quite significant. I’m definitely not going to be doing any open-air car parades, let me put it that way,” Musk said. “It’s not that hard to kill me if somebody wanted to, so hopefully they don’t.”

More Evidence that Twitter Was Run by the Deep State – Former CIA and FBI Employee Identified at the Top of the Censorship Activities

Another Deep State individual was outed in the recent Twitter revelations unveiled by Elon Musk. Jeff Carlton has a resume showing he worked at both the FBI and CIA and then moved on to Twitter. This is what we all expected – that Twitter was being led by the Deep State.

We’ve already reported on James Comey’s former Chief Counsel at the FBI and how he wormed his way into Twitter. After Baker showed his true allegiance to the Deep State over the weekend, Musk let him go on Tuesday.

We now know that Baker wasn’t the only Deep State character who wormed his way into Twitter. Another individual whose name popped up yesterday is a man by the name of Jeff Carlton.

It is no surprise to see more Deep State actors involved at the highest levels at Twitter. Who is really running our government?

Elon Musk Set to Step Down as Twitter CEO

Elon Musk is set to step down as Twitter CEO after he promised to abide by the results of a poll, the final results of which showed a majority of respondents desiring to see him give up the position.

Musk posted the poll late last night and left it to run for only 12 hours.

“Should I step down as head of Twitter?” asked Musk. “I will abide by the results of this poll.”

The final result showed that a majority of 57.5% to 42.5% wanted to see him vacate the position.

However, Musk followed up the poll with a warning as to who his replacement might be.

“As the saying goes, be careful what you wish, as you might get it,” tweeted the Tesla founder.

“The question is not finding a CEO, the question is finding a CEO who can keep Twitter alive,” Musk later commented, suggesting the fact that the platform is a giant black hole for money and cannot turn a profit has turned him away.

Some speculated that Musk knew he would lose the poll once far-left Twitter mobs activated to swing the result, and that this gives him an easy way to bow out.

Others hinted that Musk has already selected a new CEO, the announcement of which will terrify leftists even more than him being in charge.

Some think former White House advisor Jared Kushner is one of the favorites to take the job, given Elon was pictured watching the World Cup final in Qatar with Kushner yesterday.

Over the last few days, Musk has been at war with regime journalists, some of whom had their accounts suspended, although later restored, for their involvement in doxxing Musk’s personal location.

Musk Suggests Poll Result Saying He Should Step Down as Twitter CEO Rigged by Bots

Looks like he’s going nowhere.

Elon Musk appeared to agree with suggestions that the poll he ran to determine whether he should step down as Twitter CEO was rigged by bots, and that the poll will be conducted for a second time.

As we highlighted yesterday, the expectation was that Musk would relinquish the position after he ran a poll asking “Should I step down as head of Twitter?”

After asserting he would “abide by the results of this poll,” the outcome was that 57.5% to 42.5% wanted to see him vacate the position.

However, after it was pointed out to the Tesla founder that the voting appears to have been manipulated, Musk appeared to be reconsidering.

“Very interesting when you compared the number of votes versus the number of likes on the tweets. Did bots brigade the Elon poll yesterday?” asked the Wall Street Silver account.

‘Twitter, The FBI Subsidiary’: ‘Twitter Files’ 6 & 7 Expose FBI’s Role in Censorship

For journalist Matt Taibbi, the “takeaway” from the “Twitter files” is that what most people think of as the “deep state” is really a tangled collaboration of state agencies, private contractors and (sometimes state-funded) NGOs: “The lines become so blurred as to be meaningless.”

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Some of Elon Musk's fans are furious newly appointed Twitter CEO Linda Yaccarino chairs a World Economic Forum committee

  • Elon Musk announced the hire of Linda Yaccarino as the new CEO of Twitter Friday.
  • Some conservatives are upset over her ties to the World Economic Forum, where she chairs a committee.
  • Liberal Twitter users have pointed out that she follows and likes tweets from prominent conservatives.

After Elon Musk officially announced the appointment of Linda Yaccarino as Twitter CEO on Friday, users across the political spectrum quickly took to the platform to voice perceived flaws in the exec's former work and online behavior.

Responses to Musk's tweet announcing the hire included skepticism from conservative users taking issue with Yaccarino's involvement in the World Economic Forum, as well as her work as advertising chief at NBCUniversal, from which she resigned on Friday. Some spoke out about her previous comments praising NBC's efforts on diversity and social justice, and her stances in favor of masks and vaccines during the pandemic.

Here’s What We Know About Twitter’s New CEO, Linda Yaccarino

When Elon Musk bought Twitter, many figures in alternative media really thought they’d be getting re-platformed. Personally, I found it hilarious that Musk was willing to spend $44 billion because he missed Babylon Bee. But Twitter’s new CEO, Linda Yaccarino, has some of us questioning Musk’s long game.

Is he really a champion of free speech? Or was this a plan, all along, to turn Twitter into the American equivalent of WeChat? How much can we really trust him to stand up for the First Amendment?