Spain Gloats It Has Been Given Control of Gibraltar’s Borders as Part of Brexit Deal

I can't help but think this move of restrict passport control at the border is getting everyone used to the "new normal" of showing "nazi-style papers" in order to move around, which comes in the form of a health passport tied in with all kinds of other data (a digital identity), eventually leading to social scores and their ability to turn electronic-money (cryptocurrency) off and on depending on how conform to their draconian legislation.

Spain signed up for the digital health passports early on; and it was also confirmed that Spain would trial the EU's Covid-19 passport.

So essentially, isn't this just preparation for or a glimpse as what's to come?

The globalist Gibraltar politicians are on-board with the Great Reset's New Normal. And they've been normalizing totalitarianism for awhile now.

We've been warning Gibraltarians in the Health Passports Are Coming Thread. Proof of vaccination will be required to travel, and eventually be required to buy food. Eventually, the unvaccinated with be treated like the plague.

One move could be that "free-movement" will happen when everyone is vaccinated (another reason to hate the unvaccinated because they are stopping ease of travel etc). AND, it's not really free movement because people will have a digital identity and how well they behave will determine what they can and can't do – just like in communist China.

Don't think this is all happening? Open your eyes. Millions are seeing it worldwide and hundreds of thousands are marching in protests – like in London.

The Gib-Spanish border situation would take a major turn for good, if the Campo of Gibraltar would unite under the right leader – The Camp of Gibraltar and the Rock of Gibraltar; Origins, Today and their Bright Future

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