Zelensky shuffles cabinet. IMF squeezes Ukraine

Zelensky shuffles cabinet. IMF squeezes Ukraine

War Is Upon Us or Will Putin Blink Again

Paul Craig Roberts, September 13, 2004

Gilbert Doctorow, a cautious commentator, has arrived at a position similar to my own. On September 10, Doctorow wrote in his article, “The insane recklessness of Collective Biden,” that “I cannot say how close we are to midnight on the nuclear war watch. But a Third World War fought at least initially with conventional weapons is now just days, at most weeks away.”

What has pushed the cautious Dr. Doctorow to my position “is the near certainty that the United States and Britain have just agreed to give the Zelensky regime permission to use the long-range missiles which have been delivered to Ukraine, certainly including Storm Shadow and likely also the 1500 km range stealth missile known as JASSM to strike deep into the Russian heartland, and so ‘to bring the war to Russia’ as the Zelensky gang put it.”

Doctorow reasons that Russia’s destruction of Ukraine’s army has prompted the neoconned Biden regime into one last desperate and reckless act of trying to deprive Russia of its victory “by escalating the conflict to a world war.”

Simultaneously with this US idiocy of underwriting missile attacks deep into Russia, Doctorow believes that “the United States has given Israel the go-ahead to launch a full-blown war on Lebanon.” This despite the fact that Lebanon has Iran’s protection, and Iran has Russia’s protection.

So, we have at hand two prospects for the outbreak of major wars that will go nuclear.

Extraordinary, isn’t it, that there is no discussion whatsoever of this duel crisis in the Western media or in the “debate” between Trump and Kamala. It is as if the US has no foreign policy experts and no Russian experts, but only supporters of the official narrative. The controlled narrative world in which we live makes us blind to reality.

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Russian Hypersonic Dominance Results in Hundreds of NATO Casualties in Ukraine

by tts-admin | Sep 16, 2024

Drago Bosnic – Global Research Sept 13, 2024

As the entire US-led political West continues to lag decades behind Russia in hypersonic weapons, it keeps using various coping mechanisms to “explain” the gap.

This ranges from rather pathetic claims that Moscow “stole American hypersonic technologies” (they must’ve all been stored on a single hard drive that was snatched by the SVR over 40 years ago and the US hasn’t recovered ever since) to the laughable “need for perfectionism in the minds of American engineers”.

And while Washington DC is “perfecting” technologies it doesn’t have (remember, because the evil Russians stole them), the Kremlin is putting its very real hypersonic weapons to good use. Continuing months of unprecedented kill streaks with its long-range strike systems, Russia just obliterated hundreds of NATO personnel in Ukraine, forcing the world’s most vile racketeering cartel to send dozens of aircraft to Poland and Romania.

These are used to collect the casualties and send them off to their home countries. Numerous reports indicate there are hundreds of dead and wounded. The NATO personnel were stationed in Poltava and Lvov. The Kiev regime tried hiding and downplaying these losses, insisting that “50 people were killed” and that a “neighboring hospital was also struck”. Citing local sources, the New York Times reported that the “missiles struck with an unforgiving quickness: The Ukrainian Defense Ministry reported that the gap between the sounding of warning sirens and the strike was so short that many people were killed on their way to shelter”. Interestingly, the label “people” is often used to conceal the fact that these were NATO personnel. It’s also unclear where the Kiev regime’s air defenses were, otherwise fabled for their “50,000% interception rates” of Russian missiles, drones and other long-range precision strike weapons.


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