Quotes With Meaning








As far as I know no one has been able to prove that this quote really exists in the book...

It doesn't in this copy

Good afternoon cybe and may our FATHER(Creator) peace be upon you.
This was taken from a intervju, i post it under, so you can see.

But what he is really doing, is to quote the Protocols of Zion.
And when it comes to whats truth in this, many things can be questions. But i have no doubt, in this. If you go deep into Talmud and those books(maybe you already have ?), then you will see how cruel, certain people are, and especially the descendant of Edom.

I also have to mention that i have slightly over 1000 books on this matter. This goes in detail on what they are doing. So this quote, is just a kindergarten story, compared with what they are really doing.









Rand rejects any form of faith or belief in the supernatural, including God , as well as religious moral teachings.

Isn't there someone else?
Let's not promote her

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This was absolute NOT, to promote Alice Rosenbaum(Ayn Rand), but rather, what was WRITTEN(a warning).
By the way, she did not write the book, but rather, Ayn Remington.
And am TOTALLY agreeing with you, that she and her companions, is is fare from the way of FATHER.

Hope this cleared up little bit.

And i will delete this message later today, in respect for the rules(only Memes here) from Defending Gibraltar.

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Thank-you. I did not know that, nor her real name Rosenbaum.

Alice Rosenbaum (Ayn Rand) and her companion/s was / were one of the most highly skilled predictive programmers.

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Youre welcome.

Alice Rosenbaum (Ayn Rand) and her companion/s was / were one of the most highly skilled predictive programmers.

Thats true.

And when you write programmers, it reminds me of a book, from Cisco Wheeler (Linda Anderson), who was victim of that programming.

Here is some examples, from her book:
The software, so to speak, for the Omega programming, included for us a stacking program called the Potter's Wheel. The Potter's Wheel is an abuse of the Bible, and is a type of programming that the charismatic/apostolic movement does. The Mormons and the Catholics have their own distinctive "software" programs. An initial stacking mechanism would work by ordering alters (ie the person's different personalities, called by psychiatry "dissociative personality splitting") to "Stand in Order by rank and serial number." Another code would, with a hand signal, place Portner changes up on the Potter's Wheel so their "creator" can work on them. A group of alters could be taught to line up on the Potter's Wheel at the sight of a pattern of dominoes. It will be whatever the programmer decides.”

This satanic light...together with the Joker (demon) and the internal programmers (also demons) gave our system the ability to regenerate itself. We were able to shut down internal computers (thought buildings) that used the same code for the System levels that the original programmers used to make the System, but only when we took care of the 13 Jokers and faceless white-clad Programmers who controlled the Omega Programming (a secret set of demons and thought patterns/control), the backup computers restarted the program we took out.”

I see this patterns, strongly in the Pentecostal church and their relatives.

A good example for this is, the con artist Benny Hinn's words: "Ladies and gentlemen, look me in the eye and listen carefully to what I want to tell you. Only those who have given to God's work will be spared. Increase your faith, increase your sperm, and save for the future. So when tragedies strike the earth, you will be spared.

And when the pastors suddenly saying: can i hear a Amen.

So, its very sad to see that Christianity, cannot open their eyes and see that Judasism, is a satanic cult.

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“Within the covers of the Bible are the answers for all the problems men face.” Ronald Reagan


TWh-3:148 You must always be balanced, and must not submit to ANY over-whelming animal emotion.
Remember that Satan talks to your animal body, so you MUST learn CONTROL.
3:149 Jesus was perfectly balanced, spiritually, at all times, because he asked for, and received,
God’s help, especially when he was being struck and spit-upon, and his human-life was in danger,
and you must do the same.

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