PhD Chemist Whistleblower, Worked 17 Years Developing Chemtrails: 90% of Chemtrails Designed to Alter Emotions/Mood/State of Mind and Provoke “Flu-like Symptoms”

In this case one could identify the airplanes using Flightradar24 and then, if the anti-chemtrail movement is so big and vibrant why not organize a distributed investigation and have people go to the airports to document these planes (document any strange equipment on the planes and whether they are passengers planes with passengers...)

Today here in Finland all contrails look like this picture below because of the atmospheric conditions (cold dry air). I could have predicted it almost a week ago too.

Another thing is that most of the air traffic I see to the south of me over the sea are the Russia<->Kalingrad traffic since they now can't fly over over countries. That traffics contrail/persistent-contrail days is in sync with other airplanes... Which would mean they for some reason somehow co-operate and "chemtrail" on the same days.

Today a good case of this chicken<->egg case is seen.

A chemtrail proponent might think that they are just chemtrailing there far off where the haze+trails are visible when in reality we are seeing persistent contrails being created in another kind of weather front, in more humid air. This can be verified by looking at a satellite image to see the clouds south of Finland over the sea. Hoping to get a fresh image by a better sattelite today too to confirm this even better....

Screenshot from 2024-01-01 14-31-33


Could be different altitudes (most probable) and at least a handful of different variables that determine whether the trails become persistent or not.

Look like a similar altitude to me..One variable could be that one plane is chemtrailing and the other isn't...this is this the simplest most obvious reason.

Well, if there is a steep difference in the atmosphere between a dry area and humid one there wouldn't need to be alot of difference in the attitude.

20+ years of the Chemtrail conspiracy and no evidence of chemtrail planes/tanks/personnel etc.... Some of the planes that leave persistent contrails here in Finland take off/land at the Helsinki-Vantaa airport but no one ever has noticed any shady goings on there...

Let's see if THEY have programmed ChatGPT with anti-chemtrail propaganda:

"why do some planes leave persistent contrails and some dont even when they appear to fly close to each other?"


The formation of persistent contrails by airplanes, and the variation in their occurrence even when planes seem to be flying close to each other, can be attributed to several factors:

  1. Atmospheric Conditions: The most critical factor is the atmospheric condition, particularly the humidity and temperature at the altitude the plane is flying. Persistent contrails form in regions of the atmosphere where the air is supersaturated with respect to ice. This means that the air contains more water vapor than it can hold in the form of ice at that temperature and pressure. If one plane is flying through a patch of air that meets these conditions while another nearby is in drier air, one will leave a persistent contrail and the other will not.

  2. Altitude Differences: Even small differences in altitude can result in significant differences in atmospheric conditions. Two planes that appear to be close together may actually be at slightly different altitudes, encountering different environmental conditions. This can result in one plane leaving a persistent contrail while the other does not.

  3. Aircraft Engine Types: Different types of engines emit different amounts of water vapor and particulates. Engines that emit more water vapor and particulates are more likely to produce contrails, as these particles provide nuclei for ice crystal formation. Older engines tend to produce more particulates, and thus more conducive to contrail formation.

  4. Temperature and Pressure: The temperature and pressure at the flight altitude also play a crucial role. Colder temperatures can lead to the formation of ice crystals from the water vapor in the exhaust, which contributes to persistent contrail formation.

  5. Aircraft Speed and Aerodynamics: The aerodynamics of the aircraft can also influence contrail formation. Variations in aerodynamic efficiency can lead to differences in the formation of wingtip vortices and the associated moisture condensation.

In summary, while two planes may seem to be flying close to each other, differences in altitude, atmospheric conditions, engine types, and aircraft characteristics can lead to one producing persistent contrails while the other does not. Understanding these factors is crucial for studies related to aviation's environmental impact and for developing strategies to mitigate it.

Now tell me, are these claims just lies? And if so, prove it.

Ah so you believe the AI now, but not on the faked NASA moon landings?

Very short on details, give us some figures here and examples eg plane model, engine model, altitude, components causing chemtrail/contrail etc:

Here's the relative humidity at about 9km altitude.

Relative humidity is the amount of water vapor in the air at a given moment as compared to the maximum amount of water vapor that air at the pressure and temperature that it is at can typically hold. On our weather maps, relative humidity is given as a percentage.

high humidity = persistent contrails,
low humididity = contrails that disappear quickly)

Here's another one with forecasting which can be used to predict when contrails will become persistent or not.

Looks like the UK will remain trail-free for quite a few days

So is this chemtrail spraying? Doesn't look persistent at all. How does this guy distinguish between them?

No persistent trails here in the south of Finland today as the atmospheric humidity is quite low.

A Chinese cargo plane flew over and those appear to leave huge trails usually, but not today...

It hurts the brain because it 'IS' insane!!!

It hurts the brain because it 'IS' insane!!!

Report from the UK war zone. 1:00pm 13.1.2024. If 'Geoengineering' is not happening, then why is New Hampshire seeking to get it banned??? Link to NEW HAMPSHIRE BILL To Ban Climate Engineering:

New Hampshire Bill To Ban Climate Engineering, 90 Second Alert

@cybe How does this fit in with climate humidity/altitude explanation? This plane at same altitude and same humidity.

Observe closely as the chemtrail plane switches off the sprayers once it...

How do you know that there's the same exact humidity and altitude on the right and to the left? (How many pixels smaller would the plane appear in the video if it descended x amount)

You don't.

Can you imagine a scenario where at a value of say for instance 81% up to 100% humidify you get persistent contrails but at under 80% it stops.

Or a scenario where at over 75% throttle you get persistent contrails but not under 75%.

Can you say that these variables are insignificant and can be ignored?

I have seen and documented the phenomena many times where more persistent contrails show up in a cloudier/hazier area and stop showing up right next to them in a dryer area and I'be been able to correlate this observation.

And like I showed you one can easily observe this phenomena on satellite photos.

Remember: Correlation does not imply causation


This phrase is used to caution against assuming a cause-and-effect relationship solely based on the observed correlation or coincidence between two variables. In other words, just because two things happen together or in sequence doesn't necessarily mean that one caused the other. It emphasizes the importance of considering alternative explanations and being cautious about drawing conclusions without sufficient evidence.

Well there we have it, solid evidence.

Chemtrails - Shocking Phoenix
Air Quality Test Results